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sand because when u see in microscope its a little hard shells

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Q: What substances keep their physical properties when mixed in water?
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Why is mixed sand and water physical change?

because it is reversible and no new substances are formed

Is a reaction with many substances a physical property of water?

No, a reaction with many substances is not a physical property of water. Physical properties of water include its boiling point, density, and color, whereas the ability to undergo reactions with different substances is a chemical property.

What physical properties change when Kool Aid and water are mixed together?

just the color

Is mixing mud sugar and water a physical or chemical change?

you don't make any new substances, the sugar is just mixed very well into the water

Why mixing sugar and water a physical change?

you don't make any new substances, the sugar is just mixed very well into the water

When do water undergo a change in physical properties?

These physical properties depends on the water temperature.

What is an example of a chemical change wood burning glass breaking water freezing?

The chemical change is the burning wood because the products, carbon dioxide, water, ash, and soot, have different physical and chemical properties. The other changes are physical changes because the physical and chemical properties of the substances did not change.

When a substance changes and still retains its original properties?

its a physical change hope i helped in time :D

How to identify substances using their properties?

The answer is Physical and Chemical properties

How do changes physical properties affect substances such as water?

It affects it so ya Anyways, water becomes black and shines really bright when it is affected to magnesium and cesium bromide

Why is paper's physical properties different from water's physical properties?

There are a lot of reasons why paper's physical properties differ from water's physical properties.Paper is a solid, water is a liquid.Water is transparent, paper is not.Water flows smoothly, paper does not.etc.