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Q: What suffixes can be added to boast?
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Are endings added to roots prefixes or suffixes?

Endings are added as suffixes to roots in the English language. A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or function. Prefixes, on the other hand, are added at the beginning of a word.

What suffixes can be added to tread?

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The suffixes for "fame" are "-ous" and "-ousness," which can be added to form words like "famous" and "famousness."

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The suffixes that can be added to "patient" include "-ly" to form "patiently" and "-ce" to form "patience."

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What suffixes can be added to instruct?

Some possible suffixes that can be added to "instruct" include "-ed" (instructed), "-ing" (instructing), and "-ion" (instruction). These suffixes can change the tense or form of the word while maintaining its core meaning of giving information or guidance.

Types of suffixes?

There are multiple types of suffixes, including inflectional suffixes (such as -ing, -s, -ed), derivational suffixes (such as -er, -able, -ly), and compound suffixes (such as -ward, -wise). Inflectional suffixes modify the grammatical function of a word, derivational suffixes change the meaning or part of speech of a word, and compound suffixes are combinations of multiple suffixes added to a word.

What suffixes or prefixes can be added to respect?

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Some common suffixes for "any" include "anything," "anywhere," and "anyone." These suffixes are added to the base word "any" to form new words with slightly different meanings.