

What suffixes or prefixes can be added to the word prefer?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What suffixes or prefixes can be added to the word prefer?
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Suffixes are like "ward" and "ly" and "tion" which are added at the end of a word such as beautifully and skyward and attraction.Prefixes are like "re" and "non"which are added at the beginning of a word such as nonsense and replay.

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a prefixes is a group of letters that are fixed to the front of the root word. A suffixes is the main word for example dislike. dis is the prefixes and like is the suffixes

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First, to start, prefixes are letters that are added to the beginning of a word to make the meaning change.Next, Suffixes are letters that are added to the end of a word to change the tense of the word, (tense as in past tense, future, and present tense).Last, root words are the original words that don'thave prefixes or suffixes to begin with.

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