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Q: What sugar is found when conA peroxidase bind to cheek epithelial cells?
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What kingdom of life are cheek cells?

A cheek cell is a cell found on your cheek that is used to help keep you alive in some ways.

Where is peroxidase found?

Peroxidase is found in various organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. In humans, peroxidase is present in tissues like the thyroid gland and the intestines. In plants, peroxidase is found in cells, particularly in the roots, stems, and leaves.

Where in the body are epithelial cells found?

Ciliated epithelial cells are found in your pancreas, liver, lung and sinuses.

Where is an epithelial cell found in the human body?

Epithelial cells are the outer cells of the skin.

Where can a carcinoma be found?

epithelium or epithelial cells

How do the shape of epithelial cells differ from cheek cells?

Epithelial cells in tissues have a variety of shapes including squamous (flattened), cuboidal (cube-shaped), and columnar (column-shaped), depending on their location and function. Cheek cells, which are a type of epithelial cell lining the inside of the mouth, are typically squamous in shape and appear flat and irregularly shaped when viewed under a microscope.

Is Testicular cancer found in the connective tissue cells or the epithelial cells of the semiferous tubules?

epithelial cells of the semiinferous tubules.

What are found on the surface of the cell?

Skin cells. Epithelial cells

Where is epithelial tissue found in the body?

Epithelial tissue is found throughout the body in your skin, organs and cells.

Do cheek cells present a mitochondria?

Yes, cheek cells do contain mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles found in almost all human cells, including cheek cells.

What is a tissue that lines air passages?

They are called epithelial tissues. In air passage stratified epithelium is found

What kind of tissue lines the insides of your cheeks?

The inside of your cheeks is lined with a type of tissue called oral mucosa. This tissue helps protect the cheeks from damage and aids in functions like speaking and eating.