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Glucose and fructose.

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Q: What sugars can be absorbed in the small intestine without further digestion?
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Although chemical digestion occurs throughout the digestive system it mostly occurs in the?

The stomach and the small intestine are the most important part for digestion. You CAN NOT live without a small intestine, since most nutrients are also absorbed from there also.

Which nutrients can be absorbed without first being digested in the human gastrointestinal tract?

The nutrients that do not need to be digested they have to be smaller than the cells of the small intestine. Some of these are sugars and amino acids.

What does the liver help digest?

All the nutrients that are digested in the alimentary canal and absorbed into the blood, then go to the liver for further processing. Only water can be absorbed without further processing by the liver.

Where is lipids digested in the human body?

lipids are commonly called fats because lipids can accumulate anywhere including your skin or your arteries. lipid digestion usually occures in the stomach or in the intestines. But to much lipids can cause obesity.

What compound will generate ATP without further digestion?


What can the small intestine can absorb without being further digested?

Glucose and fructose.

Why is digestion good?

Digestion breaks down fat, carbohydrates, and protein into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by your GI tract. Without it, no absorption --> malnutrition --> death

Why does digestion occur inside your body?

The digestion of food starts in the mouth where it is masticated. Saliva is added to form a bolus. This is the start of chemical digestion. Salivary Amylase breaks downs carbs. Food then goes down oesophagus ito stomach where digestion continues. The stomach muscles churn the food with hydrochloric acid and lubricates it with mucus. This then forms a substance called chyme. The hydrochloric acid deactivates salivary amylase and neutralises bacteria. There is a lot more to it but just remember that it starts in the mouth.

Is cholesterol absorbed without being digested?

Yes, cholesterol and peptides can be absorbed without being digested. Thanks

Does glucose need to be digested before it is absorbed?

Glucose is a monosaccharide, so it does not need to be broken down any further. It can be absorbed without any changes.

What would the human body be like without the small intestine?

The human body wouldn't be able to function without the small intestine unless it had another organ that performed many of the same functions as the small intestine. The small intestine's primary purpose is the absorption of nutrients from food. The mouth and stomach break down food into bits small enough to be absorbed by the small intestines. We use the energy that is contained in the food that's been absorbed to power the human body and all of its biological functions. So, to answer your question, without the small intestines, the human body would be DEAD.

How does mechanical digestion in the small intestine occur?

Mechanical digestion involves breaking down food molecules without changing the chemical nature of the molecules in the food. No chemical bonds are broken in mechanical digestion. Tearing forces (e.g. teeth) or muscular movements (e.g. the stomach) can assist mechanical digestion. Chemical digestion, which requires enzymes, involves breaking the bonds within food molecules and thereby producing products that are chemically different from the substrate (reactant). The smooth muscle layers of the small intestine are not set up for mechanical digestion. There are only two layers of smooth muscle in the muscularis externa of the small intestine: an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer. These two muscles are ideal for peristalsis. In the stomach, however, there is an additional third layer in the muscularis externa (an oblique layer). These three layers can move the contents in the stomach around in many different directions. The stomach, therefore, is much better suited for mechanical digestion.