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bananas vs grapes but every body knows the bababas will win

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Halter v. Nebraska... i believe

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Q: What supreme court case dealt with the desecration of the Americans?
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How has the supreme court usually dealt with prior restraint cases?

sending the law to court.

What pair of supreme court cases dealt with federal Indian policy?


Which supreme court cases have dealt with slavery and involuntary servitude?

butler v. perry is one

The supreme court case involving La Amistad dealt with what issues?

africans kidnapped by the spanish and brought to the united states

When is a civil case dealt with in the state supreme court?

When, during the process of trials and appeals, it reaches that level of the ocurt system.

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In which courts are criminal cases dealt with?

What was the first case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court that dealt with the issue of same-sex marriage?

In 1972, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of Baker v. Nelson. In this case, Mr. Baker had challenged the clerk of the Hennepin County Minnesota district court (Mr. Nelson) for denying his request to marry another man.

Did Americans want reparations for the families of the 128 Americans who were killed on the Lusitania?

Yes. The case was dealt with by international law following the end of WWI. The maritime court ruled the US was entitled to reparations, and Germany agreed.

What was the significance of the guinn v. United States case in 1915?

Guinn v. United States, was an important United States Supreme Court decision that dealt with provisions of state constitutions that set qualifications for voters.

What is the queens bench division in the high court of London?

It's part of the High Courts of Justice, usually dealing with "anything else". Business and money cases are dealt with by the Chancery Division, and family and divorce cases are dealt with by the Family Division. The Queen's Bench Division hears cases related to contracts, damages and injuries. It also oversees the lower courts and the government. The Queen's Bench Division hears appeals from Magistrates and Crown Courts. If the case is a criminal conviction, an appeal goes straight to the Supreme Court. If the case is a lawsuit, the appeal goes to the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal (or occassionally, can be 'leapfrogged' straight to the Supreme Court).

What happened in the northern security company vs United state supreme court case?

It dealt with property rights and economic policies. Ruled that the Northern Securities Company was formed only to eliminate the competition and ordered it to be dissolved.

What is the meaning of the sheriff's 4 collar stars?

The sheriff is the highest and most powerful official in his/her judistrcition. He has military and police powers in his county. He can summon the Posse Comitatus. The sheriff is equivalent to the General Of The Army that is why he has 4 stars. The supreme court stated that The "supremacy clause" is dealt with in Mack/Printz, in which the U.S. Supreme Courtstated once and for all, that the only thing "supreme" is the Constitution itself. Where by the powers, the Sheriff reigns supreme above the president.