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A forceps is used to hold the tissues during surgery and is used in any minor or major surgery

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Q: What surgery would forceps be used in?
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What are lane bone holding forceps?

Bone Holding Forceps are used to hold the bone during orthopedic surgery. You can find a wide range of bone holding forceps with their specification and sizes at the related link.

Who uses forceps?

Doctors, nurses, surgeons, medics, and body piercers.

What is the definition of forceps?

Forceps are a surgical instrument that resembles a pair of tongs and can be used in surgery for grabbing, maneuvering, or removing various things within or from the body.[1] They can be used to assist the delivery of a baby as an alternative to the ventouse (vacuum extraction) method.

What is a foceps?

im not sure if u mean forceps but forceps are a tool surgeons use for surgery i think not too sure hope this helped

What are some doctor tools?

There are hundreds of various tools used for surgery, and it will depend upon the nature of Surgery being carried out : Scalpel, scissors, forceps, artery forceps, bowel and arterial clamps, diathermy, laser, operating microscope, dermatome, drill, retractors, suction etc etc ...........

What instruments are used during hand surgery?

The four basic instruments used in hand surgery include a knife, small forceps, dissecting scissors, and mosquito hemostats. A standard drill with small steel points is used to drill holes in bone during reconstructive bone surgery.

What are forceps and how are they used?

[ here for the answer from]See the Web Links to the left for more information.A forceps is a laboratory word for tweezers. Tweezers are used to pick up small objects with dexterity.

What are tissue forceps used for?

Tissue forceps are instruments used to grasp, position, and hold soft tissue while medical proceedures or surgeries are performed.

What are science tweezers called?

Tweezers are a type of forceps used for plucking hairs.

What are kocher forceps used for?

Ochsner-Kocher forceps are a type of medical instrument designed for performing a specific action for the purpose of carrying out a desired effect during surgery. The Ochsner Kocher are a clamping forceps with inter-locking teeth along the inside surface of its either curved or strait elongated tips.

What are the uses for adson forceps?

Adson forceps is used to hold soft tissue which will not be removed from the body.

What are adson forceps used for?

They are a thumb forceps with toothed or serrated tips used to pick up tissue or grasp gauze dressings.