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A circle containing a star,

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a square

i don't know

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a circled star

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A star

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Q: What symbol is used to a state capital city on a map?
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What symbol is usually found next to a state's capital city?

A star is used to denote a capital of a state. There are 50 capitals in the United States because there are 50 states.

What symbol indicate tha capital city of Nigeria?

The symbol for a capital on a map is a circle surrounding a star.

What map symbol is usually found next to a state capital city?

A star is used to denote a capital of a state. There are 50 capitals in the United States because there are 50 states.

What symbol is used to show the capital city of a country?

An asterisk (*) is commonly used to denote the capital city of a country on a map or in geographical contexts.

What symbol is used to show a capital city?

Usually a circle with a star in it. Although on some maps it may be a circle with a dot in it.

Is Mumbai a country or city?

It is a city. It used to be called Bombay. It is the capital city of the Indian state of Maharashtra.

What is the difference between a capital and a capital city?

In this context the noun "capital" refers to a city or town that is the seat of government. It can be interchanged with the term "capital city" Examples: Austin is the (state) capital city of Texas, USA; Washington DC is the (national) capital city of the USA; Canberra is the (national) capital city of Australia; Sydney is the capital city of New South Wales, Australia; Tokyo is the (national) capital city of Japan. The noun "Capitol" refers primarily to the building in Washington, D.C., in which Congress sits or, to a lesser extent, to similar buildings used by state legislatures.

Is Portland a capital of a state?

Portland is a city in Oregon, and does not have a capital.

What is a capital of state?

A capital of state is the country's capital (countries are sometimes referred to as 'states') except in the case of the USA where 'states' is the name used for 'counties', 'sectors' or 'provinces' and they each have a 'capital of state'. In that case the 'capital of state' is just the capital city of that province or county not the county for the country. For example:- State(county)-Washington D.C.// Capital of State-Olympia

What is a state capital?

A capital of state is the country's capital (countries are sometimes referred to as 'states') except in the case of the USA where 'states' is the name used for 'counties', 'sectors' or 'provinces' and they each have a 'capital of state'. In that case the 'capital of state' is just the capital city of that province or county not the county for the country. For example:- State(county)-Washington D.C.// Capital of State-Olympia

in which region is the capital of pennsylvania What symbol is used to represent the capital?


What symbol is used to mark Californias capital?

If you mean on a map it is a star. That is the traditional symbol on maps. Sacramento is our capital.