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Q: What symbol is used to represent the national capital of Washington DC?
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What is the symbol usually found next to the to Washington D.C. and What does it mean?

Washington DC is the United States (national) Capital. That's what the symbol stands for

Why is Washington D.C. called a national symbol?

Washington DC is considered a national symbol because of all the reach history surrounding the capital. From the architecture to the events that happened there, DC is historical.

What is usual map symbol for a national capital?

What is the symbol for the national capital

What symbol is usually found next to Washington dc and what does it mean?

it is a star symbol. everybody knows that the star symbol on a map means the capital.

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What is the usual map symbol for a national capital?

a star

Why is Washington DC a symbol for the country?

Washington, D.C., is a symbol of the country because it is the capital of the country.

What symbol do countries use to represent the capital?

a star

Why is Washington D.C. a national symbol or a cultural landmark for America I need 2 no ASAP?

Washington DC is the United States Capital where the whithoue is located and where many memorials are.

What is the Maps symbol for the national capital?

The symbol for national capitals is usually a star enclosed in a circle. Other cities are represented by different symbols, which often represent an approximate population number. Maps almost always have a key that tell you what each symbol means.

what is the map symbol for the national capital?

The symbol for national capitals is usually a star enclosed in a circle. Other cities are represented by different symbols, which often represent an approximate population number. Maps almost always have a key that tell you what each symbol means.

Why is Washington D.C. a national symbol?

Washington dc is a national symbol because it stands for America's unity and democratic traditions.