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Q: What symbol tells you material is quoted?
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What symbol in tells you the material in a email is quoted?

""""""""" Quotes

What symbol tells you to material is quoted?

lol the double apostrophe things tthqt look like this " " use at end of qutoted reference u van also do bibliogrqphy

What symbol tells you when something is quoted?

Quotation marks (" ") are used to indicate that something is being quoted. Additionally, a blockquote format in HTML can be used to visually indicate a quoted section of text.

What symbol tells you the material is quoting?

"..." Quotation marks.

What symbol stands for sorrow?

the symbol is anything that tells a person you are sorry

Do you put quotations around associations?

No, quotes are for quoted material only.

Why is a candle a holy symbol?

Jesus is quoted in the Gospel according to St John.... "I am the light of the world".

What is a Legened?

tells you what each symbol in a map means

What symbol tells you to stop on a music sheet?

A bar line.

Why is Apollo's symbol the wolf?

because it tells him the secrets of the earth.

References printed at the end of a document?

A reference to material quoted in a report that prints at the end of the document

How is a chemical symbol like a recipe?

The aré alike because a chemical symbol tells you what to put together to make a molecule like a recipe tells you what to mix together to make food or a drink