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The nervous system consists of nerves that transmit impulses back and forth.

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Q: What system consist of nerves that transmit impulses back and forth?
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Related questions

What is the sensory do in your nervous system?

Sensory nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system. This is also called the PNS for short. Sensory nerves work in conjuction with the senses, to receive and transmit signals and impulses from the sensory organs.

What structures are found in the peripheeal nervous system?

peripheral nervous system consist of nerves conveying impulses from brain to sense receptor and from sense receptor to brain.

The system consists of nerves that transmit impulses back and forth between the central nervous system the skeletal muscles and the skin?

The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of 12 pairs of cranial nerves which transmit signals from the joints, skeletal muscles and skin to the brain. The PNS is further subdivided into the Somatic Nervous System and the Viscera.

What are the parts of the neuroendocrine system?

The neuroendocrine system includes the nervous system and endocrine system. These systems transmit messages via nerve impulses and hormones, respectively. nerves monitor the body, and hormones make adjustments

What happens if one of your leg motor neuron stop functioning?

The leg wouldn't be able to receive or transmit impulses and information from the central nerves system CNS to the muscle and glands

What is the use of nerves system?

nerves act as the messanger of electrical impulses throughout the nervous system(axons,dendrites)

What does outer nervous system consist of?

the answer is nerves!

What nervous system cells do not transmit impulses?

Glial cells as they are responsible for providing support to the neuron, nourishing, and making sure homeostasis is maintained, thus they do not transmit impulses.

What is the Impulse generator and transmitter in the nervous system?

In the nervous system axons generate and transmit impulses.

What do the terms afferent and efferent mean?

· Afferent and efferent divisions are:o Sensory (afferent) Division§ Somatic afferent nerves - carry impulses from skin, skeletal muscles, and joints to the CNS§ Visceral afferent nerves - transmit impulses from visceral organs to the CNSo Motor (efferent) Division§ Transmits impulses from the CNS to effector organs, muscles and glands, to effect (bring about) a motor responseAfferent nerves are the one that carry the information from periphery to central nervous system for further processing. While efferent nerves carry the processed information from central nervous system towards the periphery for action.

What are the cells that transmit nerve impulses between parts of the nervous system?


What part of the nervous system consists of all of the spinal nerves and cranial nerves is the?

Peripheral nervous system consist of all of the Cranial nerves and Spinal nerves. This division is Anatomical and not Physiological.