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Q: What system does spinal cord brain and nerves are joint?
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What does capacious neural foramina mean?

The Neural Formaina are holes that are formed between each joint of the spinal column through which the spinal nerves that branch off the spinal cord pass. These nerves go to your arms, legs, torso and various organs, carrying messages to and from the brain and body. Capacious means open and spacious, indicating that the nerves are not compromised by the degeneration of the spinal joints that can narrow the Neural Formamina.

What bone connects the spinal cord to the brain?

There is no joint between brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord is a mass of neurones that is situated in the backbone which feeds in to the brain via neurones.

What is the idea behind spinal manipulation?

When the vertebrae are subluxated (misaligned), the resulting pressure on nerves can have negative effects on organ system function and general health, in addition to impeding proper joint motion.

What structure facilitates joint movement?

Joints are able to move because of tendons that connect the bones of the joint together. Nerves tell the brain that the joint wants to move and the brain signals movement.

What is the name of the spinal joint?

Glide joint

What are the functions of spinal cord?

The spinal cord is basically the "information highway of the body." Messages are sent back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body via the spinal cord. This information includes touch, temperature, pain, joint position and signals telling muscles to move. Our spinal cord allows us to perform reflex actions; during the time of an emergency the signals instead of going all the way to our brain go to the spinal cord so that the time lapse decreases. The spinal cord is made up of neural pathways. In order for a message to go from the brain to the body, that message, or impulse, is passed from neuron to neuron through junctions called synapses. This process continues until the message reaches its final destination, such as muscle, gland, or other non-neural cell.

If you smoke a joint and you haven't smoked in two weeks can you get it out of your system in 4 days?

Actually if you smoke a joint, it stays in your brain for one month. It enters the brain fat, which are long to renew. One month.

How does the skeleton system protect vital organs?

Bones are much harder than the vital organs that they protect, so the brain is protected by the skull, and the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, and the spinal cord is protected by the backbone (or vertebrae). Whoever wrote this answer didn't read the question properly because you have stated that it does not said how.

What kind of joint is the spinal column?

All the joints of the spinal column are gliding joints except the very first two in the neck region. These are a pivot joint.

The joint found in your spinal column?

Cartilaginous joints

Is it true that a joint and the muscle that moves that joint tend to be innervated by different nerves?

False, NOT true.

What type of joint is in the spinal column?

Secondary cartilaginous joints. GLIDING