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ur processor is the main processing unit of computer.. all the logics . addition.. subraction.. multiplication.. division..

when data is input... the data is stored in ram at a particular addresses... from there the data goes to cpu(processor). the data is then processed.. that is decrypted.. calculated by alu(arithmetic logic unit).. n sent back to ram and stored at different address... then the result is shown..

the ram.. cpu.. n other parts are connected by bus.. they are really fast.. like million gb per second..

just like we live in earth n have a particular address... similarly ram has addresses. n it is mostly in hex code..

i just explained in brief.. but alot of stuffs more happen in the process...

when data is input... the data is stored in ram at a particular addresses... from there the data goes to cpu(processor). the data is then processed.. that is decrypted.. calculated by alu(arithmetic logic unit).. n sent back to ram and stored at different address... then the result is shown..

the ram.. cpu.. n other parts are connected by bus.. they are really fast.. like million gb per second..

just like we live in earth n have a particular address... similarly ram has addresses. n it is mostly in hex code..

i just explained in brief.. but alot of stuffs more happen in the process...

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