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The circulatory system functions to transport nutrients and oxygen to tissues and cells throughout the body. It also removes waste products, such as carbon dioxide, from tissues back to the lungs for elimination. This system is comprised of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

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Q: What system functions to transport nutrients and oxygen to the tissue and to remove waste products?
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What substances come out of the exchange at the capillaries?

Oxygen, nutrients, and waste products such as carbon dioxide are exchanged at the capillaries. Oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the tissues, while waste products like carbon dioxide are picked up for elimination.

Can cells absorb food and oxygen?

Yes, cells can absorb food and oxygen through various methods. Food molecules are often absorbed through transport proteins in the cell membrane, while oxygen is typically taken up through diffusion from the bloodstream. These nutrients are then used by the cell for energy production and other cellular functions.

Do the blood transport nutrients and oxygen to organs and body tissues?

Yes, blood transports nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues throughout the body. Nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the blood and carried to cells for energy and growth, while oxygen is picked up in the lungs and delivered to tissues to support their function.

What two substances need to move out of the cell for it to maintain homeostasis?

Carbon dioxide and waste products need to move out of the cell in order to maintain homeostasis. In exchange, oxygen and nutrients enter the cell to support cellular functions.

How the nutrients and oxygen are carried to all parts of body?

Nutrients and oxygen are carried to all parts of the body through the bloodstream. The circulatory system, specifically the blood vessels, deliver these essential substances to cells through the process of diffusion and active transport. Nutrients are absorbed from the digestive system and oxygen from the lungs and are then distributed through the blood to organs and tissues.

Related questions

What systems transport nutrients?

The circulatory system or the cardiovascular system. It also transport the waste products of metabolism. The same also transport the oxygen and carbon bi oxide.

Where does the exchange of food oxygen and wastes occur?

The exchange of food, oxygen, and wastes occurs in the cell through various cellular processes such as diffusion and active transport. This exchange happens at the cell membrane, where nutrients and oxygen are taken in, and waste products are eliminated to maintain cellular functions and homeostasis.

What system transports oxygen and nutrients to tissues?

The circulatory system transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. It includes the heart and all the blood vessels, including the blood. It also takes waste products out of the tissues.

What does the vascular system do?

Pumps blood around the body, to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and to transport waste products away from these tissues.

What do vascular systems do?

Pumps blood around the body, to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and to transport waste products away from these tissues.

What is the circulatory systems job?

deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells, repair the body and fight disease. transport waste products away from the cells.

What are the 3 functions of the cv system?

The cardiovascular system functions to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells, remove waste products from the body, and regulate body temperature and pH balance.

What comes in and out of the cells.?

Nutrients, oxygen, and waste products such as carbon dioxide come into and out of cells through the cell membrane. Nutrients and oxygen enter the cell to provide energy and support cellular functions, while waste products exit the cell to be removed from the body.

How does the circulatory systems help maintain homeostasis?

nutrients and other materials pass from the capillary blood into fluids surrounding the cells are waste products removed. Transport oxygen and the nutrients from cells that you need.

The four functions of all blood?

transport oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. fight infection blood clotting to close off wounds regulate body temperature

What are other functions of the roots?

water , nutrients and oxygen

What organ system of vertebrate does not open directly to the external environment?

The circulatory system does not open directly to the external environment. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, and functions to transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and waste products throughout the body.