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Q: What system removes water and salt?
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Does salt remove water from food?

yes salt removes water from food

Can SIADH be treated with oral caffeine?

No, because caffeine is a diuretic which removes salt with the water. An aquaretic, such as tolvaptan (Samsca), removes just the water, leaving the salt behind.

How does condensation remove salt from water?

Condensation removes only liquids. Since salt is not a liquid, when the water evaporates, the salt is left.

A process that removes the salt from salt water to make fresh water is called?

It's called desalinization, and it's an expensive process.

Do you need salt water?

I think you need water in your system and salt in your system but no salt water..................I think

How does the body compensate after ingestion of isotonic saline?

It removes the water and the salt in urine.

What removes salt from leather boots?

Clean with white vinegar diluted in water

Facts about the excreatory system?

The excreatory system: It removes waste from the body. The kidneys and liver control the salt in your body.

What does a water desalinated do?

A water desalination plant removes the salt content from sea water, so it's fit to drink.

How do modern desalinators work in removing salt from ocean water?

it removes salt water by the salt water absorbing by the sun . And the sun absorbs the water and then bring it to the clouds and make rain, the rain goes in the water and its saltwater yet again

How does modern desalinators work?

it removes salt water by the salt water absorbing by the sun . And the sun absorbs the water and then bring it to the clouds and make rain, the rain goes in the water and its saltwater yet again

Can salt be removed from water by filtering it through coal?

No, because filtering through coal only removes particles, however, a salt which is dissolved in water and is a solution can not be physically filtered through coal. An example of filtering salt would be evaporating the salt water which leaves with salt