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The stomach and small intestine digest and break down food. These organs are found in the digestive system.

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Q: What systems are used when breaking down food?
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What are teeth used for?

To chew food. They assist with breaking down foods, making it easier for your stomach to digest. Also, they assist when speaking, for certain pronounciation. Try imagining yourself with no teeth, explaining to someone the purpose of teeth.

What produces enzymes that break down digested food?

After the food is digested in the stomach, it goes through the passageway and meets the liver, gall bladder and the pancreas; which all secrete enzymes used for breaking down food as well.

What is the process used to breack apart food?

The process of breaking down food is called digestion and the use of the sugars obtained through digestion is called cellular respiration.

What is the breaking down of food into energy?

The process of breaking down food to create energy is called digestion. Digestion is necessary for other biological processes, such as movement and growth, to occur. Not sure if that person's answer would answer your question but it sure as heck didn't answer mine... so I looked it up. The answer you might be looking for is binary fission. Not 100% sure though so don't be mad if i'm wrong. -_-

Is digestion an acid?

Digestion is the PROCESS of breaking food down so that it can be used by a body. In humans, PART of that process involves an acid in your stomach.

Which two organs help break down food?

Even though there are many systems in the body the only system that is used to break down food is the digestive system. The stomach and the intestines work together to help break down food as well.

What do all organisms do to food in order to use the nutrients in it?

i think all organisms break down the foods through physical and chemical steps such as chewing food (physical) and breaking it down with hydrochoric acid in your stomach (chemical). The nutrients can then be used for many purposes once the food has been broken down fully.

What do all organisms do to food in order to use the nutrient in it?

i think all organisms break down the foods through physical and chemical steps such as chewing food (physical) and breaking it down with hydrochoric acid in your stomach (chemical). The nutrients can then be used for many purposes once the food has been broken down fully.

What is the meaning of all teeth?

Teeth are used for mechanical chewing and breaking down food so that the food is easier to be further broken down by the stomach to exact nutrients. When someone asks you if you have all your teeth, they are asking if you have lost any adult teeth.

What is digest?

Chicken digest is a material which results from chemical and/or enzymatic hydrolysis of clean and undecomposed chicken tissue. Chicken digest is a palatability enhancer made by reducing (cooking down) chicken meat and fat into a concentrated liquid or dry product. Natura's products have their own satisfying flavors that come from the natural ingredients that are used.

What substance is used to break food down?

Enzymes are used to break down food.

Why do humans have digestive systems?

Food must be broken down into components that can be used by your body. That is digestion. Without it, you would starve.