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excretory system

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Q: What systems within a frog maintain homeostasis?
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How do frogs maintain a stable internal balance?

They keep conditions stable by finding a frog of the oppisite sex and *&$% it so hard that the male frog cums all over the both of them while the female gives the male a great @!## - &^$# then they *&$% until sunlight.

Frog respiratory system?

Frogs have a unique respiratory system that involves both their lungs and skin. They breathe through their skin, which is thin and moist, allowing oxygen to pass through it. Their lungs are simple and less developed compared to mammals, serving as additional sites for gas exchange. Frogs also have a specialized vocal sac that aids in vocalization and breathing.

How does human kidney differ from frog kidney?

The kidneys of a frog, like those of other animals, filter wastes from the blood, regular blood pressure, and maintain various balances within blood. They're often a dark color, and in frogs they're located at the lower back.

Why do you have to dissect a frog in the seventh grade?

In most school systems yes, but some school systems, they do it earlier, and in some later.

What is the common chamber that the digestive reproductive and excretory systems of the frog open into?

the cloaca.

How can the study of a frog contribute to the study of human biology?

Understanding the different systems of bodies

What is the organ found within the mesentery that stores blood in a frog?

The spleen stores blood in the frog. It is an organ found within the mesentery. This is part of the frogs circulatory system.

What is the 3 body systems that share the cloaca as an exit cavity?

The cloaca is a chamber that receives products from the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. The cloaca serves as the sole posterior opening and is found in amphibians, birds and reptiles.

According to the YouTube video how does one piss off a frog?

According to the YouTube video, the frog is angered when a video of insects is played within it's view. the frog was angered after a few attempts to get the insects.

Trivia about human and frog skeletal system?

There are many different facts that you could consider to be trivia about the human and frog skeletal systems. You could consider purposes for these structures for example.

How many circulatory systems does a frog have?

1, Just like every single living animal on earth.

Are Leap frog learning systems appropriate for children over 5?

Yes, Leap Frog Learning systems are appropriate for children over 5 years old. They are also good for first and second grade children. Many children have fun playing the games on the system.