

What tag defines what HTML document to put in each frame?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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By using frames, you can display more than one HTML document in the same browser window. The frameset tag defines how to divide the window into frames. Each frameset defines a set of rows or columns to the size, or percentage of the page the frame is. The tag is used within the Frameset tag to assign (define) the source of the HTML to display in each frame. for example

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Q: What tag defines what HTML document to put in each frame?
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and create an unordered list. This means that the items are in no particular order. The tags also work with tags but it created a bullet point instead of an automatic number. defines the list - whilst defines each separate item in the list.

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What is a frameset tag and its attributes?

The frameset tag is used to define the layout of a web page which uses frames. It defines how many frames, their sizes, and what pages get loaded in each one. A web page which uses frames actually calls for separate web pages to load in each frame. The attributes and further description are all listed here:

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HTML tags are the predefined tags that are embedded within the "<>". Each HTML tags has the following attributes and operations.

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How applie frame tag in HTML?

The following code will create a page with two frames, one above the other, equally sized.. You can enter the filenames of the pages you want for each frame and the names, after the frame src which is the frame source. Top and Bottom are used here to identify the frames. <FRAMESET rows="50%,50%" > <frame src="Your web page" name="Top"> <frame src="Your other web page" name = "Bottom"> </frameset> In this one, the frames are beside each other and they are named left and right. <FRAMESET cols="50%,50%" > <frame src="Your web page" name="Left"> <frame src="Your other web page" name = "Right"> </frameset>

Enumerate the basic HTML structure's and describe each briefly?

The page starts with the HTML start tag Followed by the tags, and goes here Followed by the Tag. The followin HTML will be the content of you web page Followed by closing the Tag, and tags. Here is a sample of a Basic HTML document: the name of the page This is a basic HTML structure. This is where the content goes that will display on your page.

How are Web Pages Created?

HTML is the acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a markup language used to create web documents stored on a server and easily found by using a web browser. HTML describes the general content of a web page. HTML is a way to present document text on the World Wide Web. This permits the portability of web pages because the World Wide Web is accessible to various computer platforms. HTML establishes web page styles for headings, paragraphs, lists, and tables. It also formulates character styles such as boldface. A HTML web page labels different elements of the page with tags that identify heading or list items. Special tags surround the words and paragraphs of a document. Pages written in HTML are plain text files (ASCII). An editor that supports text reads HTML pages. These pages do not contain platform or program specific information. HTML files consist of the page text and the tags that indicate page elements, structure, formatting, and hypertext links to other pages or media. A HTML web page contains the document content and tags. Document content presents information in the form of text and graphics to the web page user. HTML applies a tag to document content using the syntax: Tag Name Properties -- Document Content -- Closing Tag Name Tags are identified by the brackets (<>) that enclose the tag name. The opening tag is the first tag that tells the browser to turn on the feature and apply it to the document content that follows. The browser applies the feature until it reaches the closing tag and then turns off the feature. Some tags can include properties, or additional information used to define the tag’s appearance. Every HTML web page begins with the HTML tag to indicate that page content is in the HTML language. The HEAD tag announces the beginning of the web page content. The remainder of the HTML page is enclosed within a BODY tag. This includes the entire text and other content (links, pictures, tables, etc). Each HTML page also requires a title to indicate what the page describes.

How HTML is interpreted?

HTML Code is interpreted differently by browsers. Each tag has a certain function attached to it.