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Q: What tasks should be performed before measuring the mass of any object on a triple-beam balance?
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Why do we Calibrate the balance before you weigh the object?

You should check first your measuring devices before you use it for a true and accurate measures.

What is the first thing to do before measuring mass with a triple beam balance?

make sure the balancer is level

Should we measure the mass of a beaker before measuring a chemical or powder inside the beaker?

You can do that or you can zero balance the scale with the empty beaker on it before adding the substance to be measured to the beaker.

What do you use to measure small amounts?

small measurements That depends on what you are measuring. For mass, you may want to use an analytical balance. For volume, a buret or Eppendorf pipette would be useful. Like I said before, it is highly dependent on what your measuring and what the point of the measurement is.

Can you use the same measuring cup when measuring ingredients for pastry?

Yes, but you should measure solids before measuring liquids. If you, for example, measure water before measuring flour, the flour will stick to the measuring cup.

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Balance in your investment account before tax

Why is it important to determine the rest point of the triple beam balance before using it?

You need to set the balance to zero before using it because it affects the accuracy of the measurement. Ideally, you should set the balance to zero before each weighing.

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before we find gross profit ,after we got net profit

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How do you use distilled water?

Distilled water can be used in school labs to clean apparatus before switching between chemicals. Like measuring pH balance of different liquids you would use a pH indicator and when switching between the liquid you would clean the equipment with distilled water before dipping it into another solution

What do you check before using a triple beam balance?

to measure the mass of objects