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Q: What teaching techniques modification can a teacher give for a child with tuberous sclerosis?
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What else is tuberous sclerosis known as?

TS is also known by the names tuberous sclerosis complex and Bourneville's disease.

What has the author Thomas Allen Edwards written?

Thomas Allen Edwards has written: 'A clinical and genetic study of tuberous sclerosis' -- subject(s): Tuberous sclerosis

What are some of the symptoms of tuberous sclerosis?

Symptoms of tuberous sclerosis can be found in many parts of the body. One can have skin abnormalities including patches of light colored skin or Neurological symptoms such as seizures and behavior problems. Kidney problems and lung problems are also symptoms associated with tuberous sclerosis.

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Tuberculosis Tuberous sclerosis

What is tubular sclerosis?

Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs. You will see it referred to both as tuberous sclerosis (TS) and tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). The term TSC is used in scientific literature to distinguish tuberous sclerosis complex from Tourette's syndrome. The disease affects some people severely, while others are so mildly affected that it often goes undiagnosed. Some people with TSC experience developmental delay, mental retardation and autism. However, there are also many people with TSC living independent, healthy lives who enjoy challenging professions such as doctors, lawyers, educators and researchers. From the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance. Go to for more information.

What are the release dates for Healthy Body Healthy Mind - 2003 Learning About Tuberous Sclerosis 24-2?

Healthy Body Healthy Mind - 2003 Learning About Tuberous Sclerosis 24-2 was released on: USA: 19 July 2012

How is tuberous sclerosis treated?

Tuberous sclerosis is managed through a combination of treatments that may include medication to control symptoms like seizures, surgery to remove tumors, and therapies such as speech or occupational therapy to address developmental delays. Regular monitoring and support from a multidisciplinary medical team are crucial for managing the condition effectively.

What has the author John P Osborne written?

John P. Osborne has written: 'Tuberous sclerosis'

What are the demographics of tuberous sclerosis?

Tuberous sclerosis affects approximately 1 in 6,000 individuals, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. It can occur in people of all ages, but symptoms often present in childhood.

How can autism be covered up?

It may be confused with other diseases, such as fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and untreated phenylketonuria

What is Rapamycin for as a medicine?

Rapamycin (sirolimus) has been used as an immunosuppressant for use after a organ transplant. It is now being used as a treatment of Tuberous sclerosis and other tumors caused by cancer.

Tuberous sclerosis?

DefinitionTuberous sclerosis is a group of two genetic disorders that affect the skin, brain/nervous system, kidneys, and heart, and cause tumors to grow. The diseases are named after a tuber- or root-shaped growth in the brain.Alternative NamesAdenoma sebaceumCauses, incidence, and risk factorsTuberous sclerosis is inherited. Changes (mutations) in two genes, TSC1 and TSC2, are responsible for the condition.Only one parent needs to pass on the mutation for the child to get the disease. However, most cases are due to new mutations, so there usually is no family history of tuberous sclerosis.This condition is one of a group of diseases called neurocutaneous syndromes. Both the skin and central nervous system(brain and spinal cord) are involved.There are no known risk factors, other than having a parent with tuberous sclerosis. In that case, each child has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease.SymptomsSkin symptoms include:Cafe-au-laitspotsRed patches on the face containing many blood vessels (adenoma sebaceum)Raised patches of skin with an orange-peel texture (shagreen spots), often on the backWhite areas of skin that look like an ash leaf (ash leaf spots)Brain symptoms include:Developmental delaysMental retardationSeizuresOther symptoms:Heart tumors (rhabdomyoma)Kidney tumorsPitted dental enamelRough growths under or around the fingernails and toenailsRubbery noncancerous tumors on or around the tongueThe symptoms of tuberous sclerosis vary from person to person. Some people have normal intelligence and no seizures. Others have severe retardation, serious tumors, or difficult to control seizures.Signs and testsSigns may include:Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia)Calcium deposits in the brainNoncancerous "tubers" in the brainRubbery growths on the tongue or gumsTumor-like growth (hamartoma) on the retina, pale patches in the eyeTumorsTests may include:CT scan of the headMRI of the headUltrasound of the kidneyUltraviolet light examination of the skinDNA testing for either of the two genes that can cause this disease (TSC1 or TSC2) is available.Regular ultrasound checks of the kidneys are an important screening tool to make sure there is no tumor growth.TreatmentThere is no specific treatment for tuberous sclerosis. Because the disease can differ from person to person, treatment is based on the symptoms.Medications are needed to control seizures, which is often difficult. Depending on the severity of the mental retardation, the child may need special education.Small growths (adenoma sebaceum) on the face may be removed by laser treatment. These growths tend to come back, and repeat treatments will be necessary.Rhabdomyomas commonly disappear after puberty, so surgery is usually not necessary.Support GroupsFor additional information and resources, contact the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance at 800-225-6872.Expectations (prognosis)Children with mild tuberous sclerosis usually do well. However, children with severe retardation or uncontrollable seizures usually do poorly. Occasionally when a severely affected child is born, the parents are examined, and one of them is found to have had a mild case of tuberous sclerosis that was not diagnosed.The tumors in this disease tend to be noncancerous (benign). However, some tumors (such as kidney or brain tumors) can become cancerous.ComplicationsBrain tumors (astrocytoma)Heart tumors (rhabdomyoma)Severe mental retardationUncontrollable seizuresCalling your health care providerCall your health care provider if:Either side of your family has a history of tuberous sclerosisYou notice symptoms of tuberous sclerosis in your childCall a genetic specialist if your child is diagnosed with cardiac rhabdomyoma. Tuberous sclerosis is the leading cause of this tumor.PreventionGenetic counseling is recommended for prospective parents with a family history of tuberous sclerosis. Prenatal diagnosis is available for families with a known DNA mutation. However, tuberous sclerosis often appears as a new mutation, and these cases are not preventable.ReferencesHaslam RHA. Neurocutaneous syndromes. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: chap 596.