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Q: What technology did Dalton use for his atomic theory?
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Who is credited with the first atomic theory based on expiramental evidence?

scientific method used in the development of atomic theory

What experiment did daltons use for his atomic theory?

dalton wasnt the one who experimented with gold, rutherford was the one who did the gold foil experiment.

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How do we use john Dalton's atomic theory in our daily lives?

please someone answer it already i need help

Which method did dalton use to develop his atomic theory?

He studied the way in which elements combined during chemical reactions.

Why is John Dalton's atomic theory still mentioned in science?

Scientists use Dalton's atomic theory even though parts of it have been proven wrong as the basis of other discoveries. His theory about atomic elements being the same was wrong but has been used for a long time even to the discovery of isotopes.

Who discovered the atomic theory?

john dalton developed the atomic theory , which he published in 1803

How Do You Use The Word atomic theory in A Sentence?

when i was atomic theory i was a smart

What did William Crookes use to test John Dalton's theory?

A tube!

What is the first atomic theory?

john Dalton who lived between 1766-1844 was the first to use it "atomic theory of matter"around 1803 John Dalton put it together. Dalton was a teacher and a scientist(british you know) a few years later Dalton wrote a book called "a new system of chemical philosophy" i am unfamiliar with the actual contents of the book, but i do know that he is the first/origin to identify elements using symbols. also the name sake Dalton is a standard for atomic weights and units.. example the atomic weight is 2200 daltons. speaking of elements. if you ever come across element 115 its worth 600 + per pound. i do hope i helped you " a little "genaactually, Democratis was the first to use it, Dalton did discover another big thing in atomic history[look above] but Democratis, an ancient greek was the first to discover and use it. A famous quote by him is "convention bitter, convention sweet, in reality, atoms and void."Basically matter is made up of atoms, which are composed of varying numbers of positively charged protons and neutrally charged neutrons in a nucleus, orbited by negatively charged electrons. Atoms are the basic substance of elements, thus the table of elements which arrange them. Atoms join to form molecules and molecules join to form compounds.Atomic theory refers to the theory that states that all the matter is made of very small indivisible atoms.

Use the atomic theory to explain atoms?

it explains what matter is made of

What instrumental did Thomson use to develop his theory?

Thomson Atomic Model