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genetic engineering

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Q: What technology is used during reproduction?
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Earthworms does produce mucus. This is during reproduction.

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How has use of technology affected human reproduction?

Well, if there was a birth defect, technology in the medical field would help doctors know. It is used to check the health of the fetus before it is born. Hope this helped

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The 3 key technology the Axis used during World War 2 are:TanksGunsBombs

Why did nuclear technology become so widespread during the Cold War?

Nuclear technology was used to power many things.

What does the flower do during photosynthesis?

Flowers are using for sexual reproduction. They are doing reproduction.

Who determined how traits are passed on during reproduction?

Gregor Mendel determined how traits are passed on during reproduction. Hope this Helps!

What is the ampulla on an insect?

The ampulla of an insect is the organ that holds sperm. It is used to transfer sperm during the act of reproduction.

What technology was used during the 16th century with the Catholic Reformation?

The Printing Press

When was the concept used by FHSS technology developed?

during World War II