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The Philippine Sea Plate lies under the Philippines. It is theorized that this plate is rotating slowly clockwise.

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9y ago

The Phillipine and Pacific plate boundarys are Convergant.
A destructive plate boundary.

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Q: What tectonic plates are under the Philippines?
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What is under the tectonic plates under ground?

Tectonic plates move because they are floating on top of the liquid mantle.

Why is Philippines part of Asia?

It is because of the movements the of tectonic plates.

What kind of plates are under Japan's?

Tectonic plates

Why does the Philippines experiences many earthquakes?

The Philippines are located on the Philippine Belt, a complex system of converging and subducting tectonic plates, the Philippines Microplate. Not only that but it is set on the seam where the Philippines Plate is subducted under the Eurasian Plate. It is in very active tectonic plate zone. The earths crust is made up of many hard plates, constantly moving and pulling apart. Hwne these plates move under us, it creates groundshaking, also known as earthquakes.

Is there any life under tectonic plates?

Well There Is NOT Any Life Under Tectonic Plates Because Under The Tectonic Plates Is The Mantle And Its So Hot That A Human Body Or Any Type Of Living Thing Would Live Under there would Burn To Pieces

How are tectonic plates involved in causing earthquakes and volcanoes?

the tectonic plates shake under the earth causing earthquakes

What caused the tectonic plates?

they are plates under the crust that move when are shifted

What are moving pieces under the earths surface that form the earths crust?

Tectonic plates are the moving pieces under the Earth's surface that form the Earth's crust. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere and interact with each other through processes like subduction, spreading, and collision, which contribute to the shaping of Earth's surface features.

What cities are on tectonic plate boundaries?

Japan is under three tectonic plates

What tectonic plate caused Christchurch's earthquakes?

there tectonic plates under the water. so when the tectonic plates are moved or hit each other means there will be an earthquake.

What are the large thin plates that move relative to one another on the outer surface of earth called?

They are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.

How is tectonic movement caused?

Tectonic plates are moved by hot lava under the crust.