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refriacting telescope

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Q: What telescope can be used day or night or even in bad weather?
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Is a telescope used for weather?

An optical telescope cannot be used during cloudy days. Of course, this assumes that the telescope is located somewhere on the Earth's surface and therefore subject to weather. Since clouds obscure the sky - and any heavenly object otherwise visible - the optical telescope will be unable to see anything. A radio telescope, however, can see through clouds, simply because clouds do not block or cause significant interference to radiowaves reaching the Earth's surface from space.

How do you get aliens on the sims 2?

use a telescope outside at night, it won't happen every time the telescope is used, but if you are abducted, you will be pregnant when you get back (even if you are a man). The sim will then give birth to an alien.

How did first telescope come about?

Galileo built the first telescope in 350BC. He used it to survey the night sky.

Why can't a radio telescope be used on a cloudy night?

A radio telescope can be used on a cloudy night, because its signal can move through the clouds and rain mostly unaffected and still gather data.

If Galileo used a telescope to investigate the night sky why did his fellow astronomers not use a telescope also?

this is one of my questions for homework

Which scientist was one of the first scientists to successfully used a telescope to observe the night sky?


Are telescopes only used at night?

No. They are generally used to look at stars at night, because that's when it's easiest to see them. But some telescopes are used at sea and there's also a type of telescope called a radio-telescope that searches the stars for radio waves during daylight hours.

Galileo was the first to use what instrument in his line of work?

Galileo did not invent the telescope. The Italian physicist and mathematician improved on an existing spyglass design to create a more powerful one: a refracting telescope that he then used to study the night sky.

Where would a telescope normally be used?

Out doors, at night. The darker the sky (the further away from city lights) the better.

What light colors are used on weather balloons at night?

White or yellow

Which of these is used in a radio telescope?

Nothing on that list is used in a radio telescope.

What contributions did the mayall telescope make to astronomy?

The 158-inch Mayall Telescope at the Kitt Peak Observatory isn't the largest telescope; it wasn't even the largest when it was built. (The 200-inch Hale Telescope at Mount Palomar is older.) It is used primarily for observations in the infrared spectrum.