

What temperature do hermit crabs need to live?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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hermit crabs need to live in 70-80 degree temprature

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Q: What temperature do hermit crabs need to live?
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NO! THEY need a lot of humidity to live!

How do you know when you hermit crabs are matting?

Hermit crabs in captivity cannot mate. Unless you live on a tropical island with wild hermit crabs, there's no need to worry. They were probably just playing.

Do hermit crabs live underwater?

Marine hermit crabs live underwater and can sometimes be found in tidepools. Land hermit crabs do not live in the water but need fresh and salt water to survive.

Can hermit crabs live with fiddler crabs?

No, Hermit Crabs and Fiddler crabs require two different environments. The Hermit Crab would drown in the water a Fiddler Crab needs. You can always ask your local pet store if there is any way possible though. Some hermit crabs live on land others live in water even land hermit need two enter salt water , fiddler crabs are brackish or fresh hermit crabs can't breathe in those environments

Is it ok if hermit crabs come out of their shells?

As hermit crabs grow and increase in size they need to come out of their shell in order to find a larger shell to live in.

Do hermit crabs drink fresh water?

The kind of hermit crabs most people think of are Land Hermit Crabs. They live on land, and need at least enough water to submerge themselves. Land Hermit Crabs do need sea salt to keep their body chemistry balanced, and as such, need access to both salt and fresh water. Marine Hermit Crabs require a full saltwater aquarium to survive. Such tanks are elaborate, and should be researched thoroughly before purchase. Saltwater pets of all sorts are often regarded as difficult to care for.

Why do hermit crabs live on land?

Some hermit crabs are land hermit crabs like the ones you buy at ocean city. They have modified gills which means they CAN'T breathe underwater. Hermit crabs need moist air so they need humidity between 70 and 80 and temp 70-80.

What do hermit crabs like?

Hermit crabs love coconut shavings and sea food. But they also need places to climb on and places to hide in. hermit crabs can live for years is properly takes care of here is a website that helps me a ton.

What kind of water do hermit crabs need?

Salt water hermit crabs need to live in ocean water that has been properly set up (like a reef aquarium). Land hermit crabs need access to both fresh and salt water but live the majority of their lives on land.

Can hermit crabs live without food or water?

no, they really need water and food

Do hermit crabs need a cage?

Yes, they do. They are from a tropical environment that is high in humidity with temperature ranges from hot to cool. They require quite a few accessories to be kept alive, and are not a simple pet to have. for more complete information about what hermit crabs need to live long, healthy lives, visit

Do hermit crabs live in fresh or salt water?

Hermit crabs do need both types of water but they need both water because they need to clean themselves and they just drink salt water.