

Best Answer

Popcorn starts popping at 450 degrees FAHRENHEIT! popcorn can also pop in the fridge which is a great sciencefair project. The answer would be that it really depends on the microwave. With mine is 1 min 45 seconds.This will give you the best popcorn. That is a really good question.

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Q: What temperature does popcorn pop?
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Related questions

Does the temperature matter when up pop popcorn as far as the number of kernal's that will pop?

Yes. As the temperature increases, the pressure inside the kernel increases, causing the popcorn to pop

Does temperature affect popping pop corn?

yes less popcorn will pop

Does refrigerated popcorn pop faster then room temperature popcorn?

Tried it. Compared it. No notable difference to me.

Would a kernel explode if it were broken open at room temperature?

No, the popcorn will not explode at room temperature. This is because the pressure at room temperature is not high enough to pop the popcorn.

What popcorn has the fewest unpopped kernels?

The best temperature to store microwavable popcorn to get the smallet amount of unpopped kernels is about 60-70 degrees.

Why will frozen popcorn pop more kernels than room temperature popcorn?

Water expands when frozen, so it pressurizes the kernels. This makes them easier to 'pop' when the water boils and tries to escape all at once.

What is the most effective way to pop popcorn?

what is the most affective way to pop popcorn?

What does popcorn sound like when cooking?


How does the storage temperature of popcorn affect the ratio of kernels popped?

The storage temperature of popcorn affects the ratio of kernels popped, because if you freeze the kernels, it messes with the moisture in the middle of the kernels. (The moisture is what heats up, causing the popcorn to explode.)But when the popcorn is stored at room temperature the moisture is not altered in any way, making it the BEST way to pop the kernel.

What can you name a popcorn store?

pop in here! pop its! pops! (your names) gormet popcorn! (your city) gormet popcorn luv r corn

Do more kernels pop when they have been stored in room temperature or in the freeze?

Kernels pop more at room temputare and always spread out the popcorn package to get all the kernels to pop hope this helps.

Does the storage temperature effect th popping of popcorn?

It effects it in the freezer, it won't pop as much as room temperature. It would take alot of heat to effect it.