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The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, healthy for a human. If it hits between 104-105, or goes below 94, seek immediate medical attention.

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Q: What temperature does the body needs to seek medical attention?
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Is high body temperature a key sign of an alcohol overdose?

No. A lower body temperature is associated with alcohol overdose or poisoning. If ever in doubt, obtain medical attention ASAP. Alcohol poisoning is very dangerous and can be fatal. Many universities today have an alcohol amnesty or Good Samaritan policy to protect both the victim and the person who seeks medical attention for the victim.

What is the medical term condition of deficient body temperature?

Hypothermia is the medical term meaning condition of deficient body temperature.

What is too high body temperature?

When your body temperature reaches 103 or more, then it is too high. This indicates that there is a fever and a person should seek medical attention, especially if it has been more than three days.

What happens when human temperature rises above 40 degrees?

Normal body temperature is 98.6F or 37C, so 40C would equal 104F. Any body temperature over 40C/104F requires immediate medical attention. Body temperature raises to try to kill off the infection/virus, but can "cook" your organs in the meantime.

What temperature is unsafe for children?

If a child's temperature goes over 104 degrees, you should seek medical attention right away. If it goes over 104 degrees, it can affect the brain and other body functions.

Dog with a 104.6 temp?

A dogs normal body temperature runs higher than a human, at 101.5. A fever of 104.6 is considered a high fever in a dog, and medical attention should be sought.

Is 37.6 normal temperature?

Not really. It denotes fever. Normal body temperature is 36.5-37.5 degree Celsius.

What is the medical term meaning high body temperature?

Fever, pyrexia, hyperthermia (nouns), febrile (adjective).

If a body temperature registers 92.8 what is the cause?

A body temperature of 92.8°F can be caused by exposure to cold environments, hypothermia, certain medical conditions affecting thermoregulation, or inaccurate measurement. It is important to assess for symptoms of cold exposure or hypothermia and seek medical attention if necessary.

how to increase core body temperature?

Your body needs fuel to burn to keep your core body temperature up, especially when it's cold outside

How low can a human's temp be?

A human's temperature can drop to dangerously low levels in cases of severe hypothermia, usually below 95°F (35°C). Below this temperature, the body's organs may not function properly, leading to potential life-threatening complications. It is important to seek medical attention if someone's body temperature is unusually low.

Why is it imp to take body temperature?

It can help discover a medical issue.