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oil cotton - 120 C

cotton cloth - 210 C

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11y ago

Clothes won't catch fire until 842 degrees Fahrenheit, assuming they are 100% cotton. I would suggest not going outside in all cotton if it is over 750 degrees out though, just to be safe!

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13y ago

its name is George

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Depending on the material

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10y ago

fabric will burn at 250 c

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13y ago

Cloth gets warm when heated.

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13y ago

451º Fahrenheit

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Q: What temperature will clothes catch on fire?
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What do you do when your clothes catch fire?

You stop drop and roll

What types of clothes should you wear in kitchen?

we should wear cotton clothes in kitchen because they do not catch fire easily and absorb sweat on the other hand synthetic clothes catch fire easily and do not absorb sweat.

Do all substances catch fire on same temperature. Give reasons?

All substances does not Catch fire at the same temperature. More volatile substances -like solvents - Catch fire at a lot lower temperatures than more stable substance.

Why does wood not catch fire when it is heated a little?

The wood will not catch fire until it reached its combustion temperature. If at a lower temperature, the wood will simple smoulder, giving out smoke without a flame.

Will gasoline catch on fire if you boil it?

To a high enough temperature, yes.

Why person should not run when his clothes catch fire?

Because running will increase the airflow, which will feed the fire and make it burn more.

What temperature will make things catch on fire?

Most materials will catch fire at temperatures above 300°C (572°F), with some flammable materials igniting at lower temperatures. The exact temperature at which something will catch fire depends on the material and its flammability.

Why does matchstick does not catch fire at room temperature?

Because of lower ignition temperature of the chemical applied on match stick.

Why shouldn't we run when our clothes catch fire?

By running it allows the fire to get more oxygen than by staying put, but the best thing is to lay down and roll or to throw something like clothes or a blanket over the flames to deprive the fire of oxygen.

How are fireproof clothes different from regular cotton clothes?

fireproof clothes are made out of melamine which is worn by firefighters as the material is made up of thermosetting plastc ,where are normal cotton clothes easily catch fire when subjected to heat.

Why petrol does not catch fire on its own temperature?

Petrol has a high ignition temperature, which means it requires a certain amount of heat to ignite. The autoignition temperature of petrol is around 246 degrees Celsius, which is higher than typical ambient temperatures. This is why petrol does not catch fire spontaneously at normal temperatures.

Can you light a penny on fire?

No, a penny is made of copper and it requires a very high temperature to catch fire. In a normal setting, such as using a lighter or match, a penny will not catch fire.