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Q: What temperatures do borax crystals grow the best in?
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What tempraturedo crystals best grow in?

crystals best grow in warm temperatures.

Do borax crystals grow with food dye?

no it does not

How long does it take for borax crystals to grow?

they grow faster because it is mixed with water

Do salt crystals form faster than borax crystals?

Well it depends. But im currently growing salt, suagr and borax crystals and my borax crystals formed first. So i guess my answer is No, borax crystals grow faster but dont take my answer as a fact i could be wrong.

Why do borax crystals grow differently at different temperatures?

Because hot water can dissolve more of the borax and it needs to be supersaturated so that when it cools it cannot hold as much borax in each molecule, so it releases some of the borax into it's natural repeating mineral shape.

Do borax crystals grow bigger in hot water or cold?

i did a project on this and they grow better in cold

Do crystals grow larger in size in warm temperatures or cold temperatures?

cold temperature

What is a substitute for borax in crystal growing?

A substitute that I have seen for in making crystals is alum. It seems to be a great way to grow them.

Out of hot cold and warm what temperatures do crytals grow best?

Crystals grow better in warm weather because theres more heat to evaporate the water in which you dissolve the powder in.

Do sugar crystals grow better in warm temperatures?

yes beacause of bitchs

In which temperature do sugar crystals grow best?

It depends on the material. Ice is a crystal, so is diamond.

Do crystals grow faster in hot or cold temperatures?

cold it helps there chemical coumpoubds freeze