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Threatend Species

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Q: What term describes a species that has far fewer members today than in the past?
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What term describes a species that has a fewer members today that in the past?

Threatend Species

What term describes species that has far fewer members today that in the past?

Threatend Species

English word for species which are not found today?

The English word for a species which is not found today is extinct. This means that there are no living members of this species known to mankind.

What are the members of a single species that occupy a particular area and are able to interbreed?

Members of a single species that occupy a particular area and are able to interbreed are a population. Today, there are 16,938 threatened species on the planet.

Has it been estimated that fewer than 24 percent of the animal species living today are likely to be preserved as fossils?

you thougt this was gonna be the answer. Good luck hunting! GG

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What kind of species are living today?

There are hundreds of thousands of species living today.

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all members must agree to cooperate and uphold basic human rights- study island

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There are not a lot of their food left

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The last species of humans that we do not see today are the species Homo Neanderthalenses. (pretty similar to humans we see today). It is not inappropriate Language. That is just what they are called.

What is Extinction?

Extinction is when a animal doesn't exist any more, because all of its species has died out completely. It Can Also Be When Only A Few Animals Live But Most Are Dead Just Like A Mammoth is dead.

How many species of lions are left today in the world?

there are seven species of lion present today