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Q: What term describes the development of frog eggs to adult frog?
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What do the frog eggs become?

frog eggs ==> tadpole ==> back legs appear ==> young adult frog (tail disappears) ==> adult frog

What do the eggs become?

frog eggs ==> tadpole ==> back legs appear ==> young adult frog (tail disappears) ==> adult frog

Is a frog an example of direct development?

no. its an example of indirect development as when it is born it doesnt resemble an adult frog instead it its born as a toad and undergoes metamorphosis to become a frog

What is the main stages of the frog life cycle?

The stages are as follow: * egg * larva * juvenile * adult

How long does it take for a frog to give birth?

Frogs don't give birth - they lay eggs. The eggs hatch in just a few days. Most of their development happens after the eggs hatch.

What are the 5 metamorphic stages of a frog?

A frog goes through five metamorphic stages. This starts as eggs, then to tadpole, tadpole with legs, young frog and then adult frog.

Who has more yolk frog eggs or sea star egg?

Sea star eggs have more yolk compared to frog eggs. Sea star eggs are considered macrolecithal, meaning they contain a large amount of yolk which is necessary for the development of the embryos. Frog eggs, on the other hand, are typically microlecithal and contain less yolk.

What is the stage of the frog?

adult, then the cycle starts over when it lays eggs

What does the adult frog lay eggs call?

They live "on land" although frogs still live in water, they just are not reliant on it for oxygen.

Why is the litoria saundori frog endangered?

the litoria saundari frog is endangered because not enough of them mate which is not creating any more eggs. the adult frog dies, and they dont have any eggs so then they will be all gone

How long does it take for a frog to be born?

The time for eggs to hatch varies among species, as does the time for the hatched tadpole to complete metamorphosis into an adult frog.

What is cycle of frog?

First, adult frogs reproduce sexually. Next, eggs are fertilized outside the females body. Then, the tadpoles hatch. After that, they develop hind and front legs. Last, the tail is absorbed, and development is complete.