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Q: What term fits this description you this form of government only a few people rule?
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Is fits a preposition?

No, fits is a verb. It is the third person singular form of fit -- fit+s Use the third person singular when the subject is he/she/it or a singular noun. eg She fits the description The key fits, open the door -- key = singular noun

How does a republican form of government fit within a democracy?

A republic means that the people retain control of the government (ie: no monarch). Democracy fits in when choosing the representative to the government. The U.S. is a representative republic whose representatives are elected democratically.

How does Lithuania's government function?

A complex question, to complex for this form There is a good description of their government on WIKI pedia

What form of government is organized by the people for the benefit of the people?

A democracy is a form of government where the people choose their leaders through voting. It is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Who gained power as the republican form of government declined in rome?

Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.Rome's republican form of government was exactly what it is called--- a republic. It was/is a form of government where the people elect representatives to speak and act for them.

What singular end in o and in the plural ends in oes?

The word that fits this description is "echo." In the singular form it is "echo" and in the plural form it is "echoes."

How does a democratic form of government function?

It is a form of government that is based on the people's say.

What form of government best describes the term republic?

a government in which the citizens elect their leaders

What is a government where the people have the power?

A democracy is a form of government where the people have the power to vote on how their government acts.

What form of government only a few people rule?

An oligarchy is a form of government in which few people hold power.

Why do some people think capitalism is the best form of government?

Capitalism is not a form of government. Communism is not a form of government. Socialism is not a form of government. All three of those are economic forms, not forms of government.

A form of government in which people set government policy?

A democracy