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Q: What term is the amount of biomass produced in a given area?
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What is the amount of biomass produced in a given area?


What term is defined as the amount of biomass produced in a area given area?


What term defined the amount of biomass produced in a given area?


What Term Is define as the amount of biomass produced In Given Area?


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the amount of biomass produced in a given area during a given period of time.

What term is defines the amount of biomass in a given area?

I believe it is called the yield. It is a density problem, m/v were the mass would be the biomass and the v would be the area.

What term is defined as the amount of biomass in a given area?

I believe it is called the yield. It is a density problem, m/v were the mass would be the biomass and the v would be the area.

What does the term biomass refers to the?

The term biomass refers to the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.

The total mass or weight of all living matter in a given area?


This is the total amount of all living things within a specific area.?


What is the difference between biomass and biogas?

Biomass is the amount of living matter in a given habitat, expressed either as the weight of organisms per unit area or as the volume of organisms per unit volume of habitat. Biogas is any gas fuel derived from the decay of organic matter, as the mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced by the bacterial decomposition of sewage, manure, garbage, or plant crops.

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