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Alternate forms of the same gene are called alleles.

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Q: What term is used for different forms of a gene?
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Term used for the different forms of a gene are?


The different forms a gene may have for a trait?

Alleles are the different forms that a gene may have for a certain trait. They used to be called allelomorphs.

What term is used when both alleles are different?

The condition called in a case when you have a two different types of alleles is called as Heterozygous and when this is exactly the opposite that is when it has the alleles for the same source we describe such a condition as a Homozygous. This two terms are of most importance when you take the genetics

Each copy of a gene is called an allele?

yes, different forms of a gene is called an allele. It was used in the early days of genetics to describe variant forms of a gene detected as different phenotypes

Term used when two genes for a specific trait are not identical?

Heterozygous refers to possessing two different forms of a particular gene. One is inherited from each parent and one is dominant and one is recessive.

What term is used for the transfer of a gene from one organism to another?

Horizontal Gene Transfer is probably the term you are looking for

What term is used for each form of a gene?


What term is used for an organism that has a particular gene that has a particular gene but does not show its effects?


What term is used for an organism that has a paticular gene but does not show its effects?


What is a DNA probe?

A Gene Probe is a term used to label several techniques used to identify a Gene Loci. a gene probe is often a piece of genetic material, that mirrors the target gene, and is also 'tagged' with dye so it can be identified.

What is the term used to describe the strongest gene from a pair of genes?

The dominant allele.

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The different forms of energy:solar , wind, tide, water . These can be used to produce electricity.