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Q: What term is used to describe the process the mind goes through to change data input from the senses to a form the brain can use?
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What term is used to describe the process the mind goes through to change data input from the senses to a form the brain can use-?


What is the process of gathering information through the senses called?

It is called observation.

What is observing in science?

Observing in science involves using the senses to gather information about the natural world. Scientists make careful observations to collect data and make accurate descriptions of phenomena. Observing is a fundamental step in the scientific method and is crucial for generating hypotheses and testing theories.

Gathering information through our senses and then using this information to think and act is the process of .?


Information gathered with the senses?

Perception and observation refers to the process of gathering information by the use of the senses. It can also be defined as the process of integrating, interpreting, and organizing sensations.

What happens when a chemical change take place?

When a chemical change happens, a physical property is change. A physical property something that you could use to describe something or someone with your senses.

What is the differences between chemical and physical change?

A chemical change involves a change in a substance's chemical properties (characteristics that describe how it interacts with other substances).A physical change involves a change in a substance's physical properties(characteristics that describe certain features one can see with their 5 senses).

Process od using the senses to gather information?

the process in which the senses are used to gather information is

What is the repensitation of language through the use of senses called?

The process of representing language through the use of senses is known as sensorial language or sensory language. This technique aims to evoke vivid images or emotions through the use of descriptive words that engage the reader's senses such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

When you use your senses do you use a chemical change?

No if you use your senses it is a physical change

What is the definition of congnitive?

Relating to the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Why can't we rely on our five senses to describe and measure the weather?

Our five senses are limited in their ability to accurately measure and describe complex weather phenomena. Weather involves a wide range of variables such as temperature, humidity, and pressure that are beyond the capability of our senses to accurately perceive. Additionally, weather measurements require specialized equipment and technology to collect data with precision and accuracy.