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Overrating Or Bragging Or Emphasising

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Q: What term means exaggeration or overstatement?
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What is a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration and is not meant to be taken literally?

Bombastic describes a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement when describing people or events.

What is the literary term for a statement like My dog is the size of your house?

The literary term for a statement like "My dog is the size of your house" is hyperbole, which is an exaggeration or overstatement for effect. It is used to create emphasis or evoke strong emotions in the reader or listener.

In drama what does the term exaggeration mean?

1) the act of exaggerating or overstating. 2) an instance of exaggerating; an overstatement: His statement concerning the size of his income is a gross exaggeration. 3) the act of making something more noticeable than usual; "the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness" 4) making to seem more important than it really is 5) The act of exaggerating; the act of doing or representing in an excessive manner; a going beyond the bounds of truth reason, or justice; a hyperbolical representation; hyperbole; overstatement.

What is overstatment?

overstatement- making something seem more important than it really is. Synonyms: exaggeration, magnification. Antonym: understatement.

If hyperbole is the technical term for overstatement what is the technical term for understatement?


What is the technical term for understatement given that hyperbole is the technical term for overstatement?

== == Overstatement (hyperbole): an exaggeration in order to emphasize a certain truth. Understatement: stating less than one means or implies. refers to a figure of speech that says less than is intended. Understatement usually has an ironic effect, and sometimes may be used for comic purposes.Technical term for understatement - Meiosis is a euphemistic figure of speech that intentionally understates something or implies that it is lesser in significance or size than it really is.In rhetoric, litotes is a figure of speech in which a certain statement is expressed by denying its opposite.

Is hyperbolic a type of chemical reaction?

No; hyperbolic is a term of geometry or cosmology to describe something as having a relationship with a parabola (an infinite three-dimensional curved shape), or in debate to refer to a hyperbole claim or statement which is an overstatement or plausible exaggeration. There is no known application to chemical reactions.

What literary term is exaggeration used to emphasize a point?

Extreme exaggeration used in a literary work is known as hyperbole.

What is the meaning for the word hyporbole?

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves deliberate exaggeration or overstatement for emphasis or effect. It is not meant to be taken literally but is used to create a dramatic or humorous effect in writing or speech.

What exaggeration did Stephen leacock used in How To Live to Be 200?

He use the exaggeration means humurous....

Extreme exaggeration that is used to emphasize a point?

A hyperbole is a literary term where exaggeration is used to emphasize a point.

What is the definition to the literary term exaggeration?

The state of being exaggerating.