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A risk

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Q: What term refers to a source of danger that poses a threat?
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In "Grendel," details such as his immense physical strength, his ferocity in battle, and his supernatural abilities contribute to understanding the threat he poses. Additionally, his relentless attacks on the Danes and his reputation as a monstrous being who cannot be defeated by conventional means further emphasize the danger he represents.

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"Hatari" is a Swahili word that means danger or risk. It can also refer to a situation or circumstance that poses a threat or challenges one's well-being.

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A hostile target refers to an entity or object that is considered a threat or adversary in a particular context, such as in military operations or cybersecurity. It is typically identified as an enemy or opponent that poses a risk to the interests or security of a person, organization, or system.

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_________are a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment.

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The villain poses a threat to people :) :p

What danger does the narrator discover after attacking the waitress?

The danger his hatred poses to himself (APEX) !/

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