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Q: What term refers to an individual who uses basic scientific knowledge to solve real world problems and develop new technologies?
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Which term refers to an individual who uses basic scientific knowledge to solve real world problems and delelop new technologies?


Which term refers to an individual who uses basic scientific knowledge to solve real world problems an develop new technologies?


Which term refers to an individual who use basic scientific knowledge to solve real world problems and develop new technologies?


Which of these statements is trueBasic scientific knowledge must always come before related technology?

Solving technological problems can produce new scientific knowledge.

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What are scientific benefits?

Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications: New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.

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What are some examples of problems in Scientific method?

i dont have any knowledge about it,but i know how to do it!.:)

Being able to identify good sources of scientific information and apply the knowledge to problems in your life is a part of having what?

Scientific hypotheses

Is scientific experiment the only way to achieve real knowledge?

Not always really... First it depends on the type of knowledge you're looking for. If it is general knowledge, it can be gained from life experiences , problems, questions, university, friends... And if it is scientific knowledge, then it may depend on scientific experiments, according to the subject you're managing.

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