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Pseudopod (literally: "false foot")

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Q: What term refers to the finger like structures of an amoeba's body?
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Related questions

What structures do protists such as amoeba use for movement?

Amoebas move by changing the shape of their body, forming pseudopods (temporary foot-like structures). The word pseudopod means "false foot."

Does amoebas have a segmented body?

segmented body

What is the difference between the anterior and the posterior?

The anterior refers to the front of the body or an organ, while the posterior refers to the back. These terms are used to describe the location or position of structures in relation to the body.

What is microtubules synthesis?

Microtubule synthesis refers to the aggregation of microtubules in the body. These tubular structures combine to create more complex organelles.

What root word masto refers to what organs?

The root word "masto" refers to the breast or mammary glands in the body. It is commonly used in medical terminology related to breast tissue or structures.

How are amoeba protists considered harmful?

Some amoebas are parasites, damaging the human body.

Is the amoebas helpful or harmful to humans?

Amoebas can be harmful to humans if they are of certain species that can cause diseases such as amoebic dysentery or Naegleria fowleri infection. It's important to practice good hygiene and avoid contaminated water sources to reduce the risk of encountering harmful amoebas.

Do amoebas like light or do they not like light?

Amoebas do not have eyes or light-detecting organs, so they do not have the capability to perceive or respond to light like organisms with photoreceptors do.

How does Amoeba get around?

Amoebas move by extending their cell membrane out in the direction they want to go, forming temporary protrusions called pseudopods. They then flow their cytoplasm into the pseudopods, allowing them to move in a process known as amoeboid movement.

What does amoeba eat by?

To eat, the amoeba stretches out the pseudopod, surrounds a piece of food, and pulls it into the rest of the amoeba's body. Amoebas eat algae, bacteria, other protozoans, and tiny particles of dead plant or animal matter. Amoebas reproduce (make more amoebas) by a process called binary fission.

What is anatomy and physiology?

What ARE anatomy and physiology? These are two areas of medical study. Anatomy is the discipline or area of study which deals with the structure of tissues, organs and organisms. Physiology is the discipline which is more concered with the function of cells, tissues, organs and organisms.

Is the upper arm distal to the forearm?

No, the upper arm is proximal to the forearm. The term "distal" is used to describe structures that are further away from the body's midline or point of attachment, while "proximal" refers to structures that are closer to the body's midline or point of attachment.