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she tells her maidens to bring the Odysseus's bed for him to sleep on and he said that was impossible because he made that bed from the olive tree

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Q: What test does Penelope gives Odysseus?
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How did Penelope find out the beggar was Odysseus?

Odysseus tells her so directly. Penelope then tests Odysseus, and he passes her test, confirming his identity.

What prediction does Odysseus give to Penelope?

The prediction Odysseus gives to Penelope and that Odyessus (which is himself but disguised as a beggar) will return

Why does Odysseus suggest that Penelope test her maids?

While he was dressed as a beggar, he saw one of the maids consorting with Penelope's suitor. Odysseus suggested that Penelope test which of her maids are faithful to her and not her suitors.

What is the Penelope ultimate test for Odysseus?

To tell her how there bedchamber is set up.Only Penelope and Odysseus know and a few servants bc Odysseus built it himself.

Who had a test that Odysseus had to pass before she admit he was her husband?


What is Penelope's final test to prove her husband's identity?

Penelope's final test for Odysseus is to ask him to move their bed, which Odysseus built himself and knows cannot be moved because it is constructed from an olive tree trunk that is part of the structure of their home. Odysseus passes the test by revealing this secret detail, allowing Penelope to finally recognize him as her husband.

Why does Odysseus hide his identity from his wife Penelope?

Odysseus wishes to test Penelope's faithfulness. Furthermore, by remaining hidden from Penelope, he can take care of his business with the suitors, and reveal himself when he is ready. Odysseus wishes to come back to Penelope a man, having dealt with all the problems in their house first.

Who is Odysseus' wife?

Odysseus' wife was Penelope, daughter of Icarius and Periboea.

What test does Odysseus pass to prove that he is Penelope's husband?

Penelope asks Odysseus if he will arrange to have his bed moved out of their bedroom while she gets used to him being home. Odysseus replies that this is impossible because the bed is built around a tree which grows within and forms a fundamental part of the structure of the palace and so to move it would be impossible. Only Odysseus would have known this and so he passes Penelope's test.

Penelope's test of Odysseus in Book 23 of the Odyssey?

Penelope was talking to Odysseus and told her maid to move Odysseus' bed so this beggar (odysseus) could stay the night. (Odysseus' bed was made from an oak tree and would be almost impossible to move.) Therefore, Odysseus got really mad and thought she was living with another man who was very strong and could move it. Penelope then knew for sure that this was Odysseus.

Who is eurynome in Odysseus par 2?

he is the housekeeper for penelope and penelope is odysseus wife and odysseus is the king of ithleca

Does Penelope recognize Odysseus when he is in his beggar's costume?

No, Penelope does not recognize that the beggar is Odysseus.