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Q: What the advantage and disadvantage of competitive parity method?
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Is parity used for servers?

Parity is an error detection method used to ensure integrity of DATA in Transmission or Storage applications. Parity Methods are used in Computing Machines whether it is a Server, Workstation or a Laptop.

What does the method known as parity do?

In RAM, parity is a type of built-in error-checking system. After the 8 bits in a byte receive data, even parity works by adding to total number of 1s. If the number is odd, the parity bit is set to 1; if the number is even, the parity bit is set to 0. When the data is read back, the total is added up again and compared to the first total. If the parity bit is 1, the data is error-free, but if the total is odd and the parity is 0, the chip recognizes a problem and gets rid of the data. Odd parity works in the same fashion, just the other way around.

What is a Paribit?

Paribit is a combination of two words; Parity and Bit. In early nineties computing, a check digit or Parity Bit was assigned to a sequence of bits that were to be transmitted over a network. The parity bit was used for security and transmission verification purposes. It either made the entire sequence of bits, even or odd, depending on the checking mechanism being used. Transmissions today use a method called packets and does not employ the check digit method.

Types of parity bits?

There are two types of parity bits.they are even and odd parity.

When parity detects an error what happens?

A parity error always causes the system to hault. On the screen, you see the error message parity error 1 (parity error on the motherboard) or parity error 2 (parity error on an expansion card)

What error occurs if the number of bits is not an odd number for odd parity or an even parity?

parity error

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Parity of Authority and Responsibility?

How explain the terms even parity and odd parity Is one method bettrer than the other?

"Parity" refers to the number of 1s in a given binary number. Odd parity means there are an odd number of 1s and even parity means that there are an even number of 1s. Parity bits are often used as a crude means of error detection as digital data is transmitted and received. For example, 0b11010100 has 4 1s in it, therefore, it has even parity. Two devices exchanging data must be set to the same parity. If both are set (strapped) for odd parity, for example, then the sending device must ensure that the number of bits in each word has an odd number of 1s. Likewise, the receiving device must be set to ensure it only receives words with an odd number of 1s. An odd parity bit is defined as a bit in the word which can be set to ensure odd parity. If the word already has an odd number of 1s, then the parity bit is not set. If the word otherwise has an even number of 1s, the parity bit is set to ensure an odd number of 1s. The same is true for even parity settings. One way is not necessarily better than the other in theory but, in practice, should observe the convention for the system in question. Many (if not most) devices provide a connector pin that can be strapped to define either even or odd parity.

Which method of fault tolerance is the least expensive per MB of storage disk duplexing or disk striping with parity?

Disk duplexing requires writing the same data twice and requires an extra controller.Disk striping with parity only writes once and requires only one controller. Although the parity information in disk striping with parity does take up some space, it does not take up as much space as the duplicate data in disk duplexing.therefore,disk duplexing is more expensive.

Which gate is used as parity checker?

It can be calculated via an XOR sum of the bits, yielding 0 for even parity and 1 for odd parity

A problem with parity error indicates a problem with?

Parity error indicates bad memory. Parity checks compare the memory read with what was writen.