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Q: What the apparatus that can be used to measure the diameter of a copper wire?
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magnify glass
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The apparatus used in the past to measure time?

A sundial

Why viscometer is used?

A viscometer is used to measure the viscosity of a fluid, which is its resistance to flow. This measurement is important in various industries such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing, where the viscosity of a fluid can affect product quality and performance. By using a viscometer, manufacturers can ensure consistency in their products and adjust formulations as needed.

What apparatus used to measure the mass?

Newton meter (N).

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What is the function of hook pan?

Hook pan is laboratory apparatus used to measure or carry weights. This apparatus is also commonly used for small measurements.

What is used to measure spherical radius?

You can measure the diameter, then divide that by 2.

What should be used to measure the diameter of a tennis ball?

Tape measure

What should be used to measure the diameter of a steel ball bearing as accurately as possible?

A vernier caliper should be used to measure the diameter of a steel ball.

Which apparatus is used to measure span of vision in education pshchology?

masons disk

Which instrument is used to measure the calorific value of liquid fules?

orsat apparatus

Can a calibrated ocular micrometer measure the diameter of a field?

No, an ocular micrometer is used for measuring objects viewed through a microscope by comparing them to a scale etched onto the eyepiece. It is not designed to measure the diameter of a field of view.

Can a calibrated ocular micrometer measure the diameter of the field?

Yes, a calibrated ocular micrometer can be used to measure the diameter or length of a field or object. Essentially, that is all that it is used for.