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The area you are referring to is called a watershed or a divide. It is a boundary separating the flow of rivers towards different sides of a continent. The size of the watershed can vary depending on the topography and geography of the region.

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Q: What the area of a high ground that divides the flow of rivers towards oppsiteend of a continent?
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What is the land above sea level called?

Land above sea level is called "elevation" or "high ground." It can also be referred to as "terrain" or "upland."

What continent holds the highest mountain?

At The moment it is Asia, with a total height of Thirteen Thousand feet. It is higher by almost 2200 feet, With is massive mountain of mount everest that towers over most other mountains, Most of the countries and shore lines are fast assents to higher ground, this also means your mum has nice boobs and that the mountain range are vast and great. Asia's average height is around 1000 feet which is higher by 200 feet then the american Continent

What does basin mean in geographical term?

In geography, a basin is a bowl-shaped landform surrounded by higher ground, where water collects and flows towards a central point, such as a river, lake, or ocean. Basins can be natural features formed by geological processes or human-made structures designed to collect and manage water resources.

Is battle ground WA a suburb of Vancouver WA?

No, Battle Ground, WA is not a suburb of Vancouver, WA. Battle Ground is a city in Clark County, Washington, located about 17 miles northeast of Vancouver. Both cities are in the same county but are separate entities.

1 deci on the map represents 1 meter on the ground?

If the scale is 1:10, it means that every 1 cm on the map represents 10 meters on the ground. So, if a decimeter on the map (10 cm) represents 10 meters on the ground, the scale would be 1:10.

Related questions

What is the high ground between two watersheds called?

Mountains / hills ; (River) divides.

What happens when you jump out of an aeroplane?

You fall towards the ground.

What is a sentence for ground?

Look at the ground squirrel. My jaw hit the ground. Avoid becoming the path to ground for electricity.

What is under the ground in antarctica?

Under the Antarctic continent, you'll find the earth's mantle and core, as you would under any continent.

In what continent is the massive burial ground of vertebrates found?

Saqqara, Egypt, Africa.

Is Antarctica an ocean or a continent?

It is a continent because the ground id land, not sea. The Artic on the other hand isn't because it is frozen water.

Does a tornado start from the ground or the sky?

No. A tornado starts in the clouds and extends towards the ground. Until it reaches the ground it is not a tornado but a funnel cloud.

What is the habitat of a bull ant?

An ant lives in a ground. The ant hole that is above ground divides into many chambers for the queen and her workers.

What is a high area of ground that divides 2 river systems that makes them flow?

Do you mean a Continental Divide? It's the area of higher elevation where the river systems east of the line all flow into the ocean on the eastern side of the continent, and all the water in the river systems to the west of that line flow toward the ocean to the west.

What rhymes with Up and down towards the ground?

go on google find it out

When do you see gravity in action?

when you see something falling towards to ground :)

Is push up a push or pull?

It is a push and a pull. When you move your body towards the ground, it is a pull. A pull as in a pull to the ground. It is a push when you are moving away from the ground.