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That's a very interesting and profound question because we cannot know what they believed or how they organised themselves. It is very likely that they lived a tribal, often nomadic life as hunter-gatherers, and cave art usually does show either hunting scenes or large animals that could have been killed and eaten.

A common interpretation, and it can only be an interpretation, is that the paintings had some spiritual / ritual role associated with hunting; and that since their prey animals were obviously large ones (from the pictures), they had to hunt in well-organised groups in order to catch the animals. Further, they chose large animals in order to feed sizeable families & tribes; and for useful yields of furs and bones.

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The caves of Lascaux suggest that early humans had complex social structures, artistic abilities, and a strong connection to their environment. The elaborate cave paintings depict aspects of daily life, such as hunting scenes and animals, indicating a communal way of life and a deep spiritual connection to nature. The level of skill and detail in the artwork also implies that there was specialization of labor and a shared cultural identity among the early human society in the region.

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Q: What the caves of lascaux suggest about early human society?
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How was the Lascaux caves made?

The Lascaux caves were formed naturally over thousands of years by the gradual erosion of limestone rock. The famous prehistoric cave paintings found inside were created by early humans using mineral pigments and natural tools. These paintings depict various animals and geometric shapes and are estimated to be over 17,000 years old.

What prehistoric men used to draw on cave's walls?

Prehistoric men used natural materials like charcoal and earth pigments to draw on cave walls. They depicted animals, handprints, and abstract symbols in caves like Lascaux and Altamira. These cave paintings offer insight into the life and beliefs of early humans.

Why did early man started living in caves?

Early man likely started living in caves for several reasons. Caves provided natural shelter and protection from the elements and predators. They also provided a constant temperature, which could have been beneficial for survival in different seasons. Additionally, caves may have offered early humans a sense of security and privacy.

How did early people use caves?

Early people used caves for shelter, protection from the elements, and as a place to store their belongings. Caves also served as sacred spaces for religious or spiritual practices and as locations for creating art and symbols on the cave walls. Additionally, caves were used for burials and as a temporary refuge from predators.

Why did caves make good shelter for the early settles?

Caves provided protection from weather, predators, and other threats, making them ideal natural shelters for early settlers. The constant temperature inside caves also helped regulate body temperature and provided a secure place to sleep. Additionally, caves were readily available and required minimal effort to modify for habitation.

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What is the name of the famous cave in France where ancient paintings and drawings made by early human were discovered?

The Lascaux caves

What did the cavemen believe?

Shamanism goes back to very early pre-historic times. Early cave paintings (such as those in the famous Lascaux caves in France) are thought to have some shamanistic purpose, such as to magically attract game through the law of similarity. But there is very little solid information about what cavemen believed.

Who first made paint?

Very Early Man. The cave paintings in Lascaux are about 35,000 years old.

Who was the first person to paint?

People have been drawing since prehistoric times. The oldest would be found in the Caves of El Castillo in Spain, which are around 40,000 years old, while the most well known early drawings are in the caves of Lascaux in France, which are about 17,300 years old.

What do ancient rock paintings carving reveal about early people?

Ancient rock paintings and carvings reveal that early people appreciated art work and understood how to create art. The cave paintings in Lascaux use the natural rock formations in the caves to create three dimensional images. Some were undoubtedly ceremonial in nature and may have aligned with environmental events.

What do ancient rock paintings and carvings reveal about early people?

Ancient rock paintings and carvings reveal valuable insights into early people's culture, beliefs, daily lives, and interactions with the environment. They provide evidence of hunting practices, social structures, spiritual beliefs, and artistic expressions, offering a glimpse into the way of life of ancient civilizations. Studying these artifacts helps researchers understand the evolution of human societies and the development of early forms of communication and storytelling.

Where early man lived?

in caves and hutts

How did early humans make pictures?

early humans painted pictures with caves./

How do scientists know early new yorkers lived in the dutchess qurry caves?

They know by the artifacts they found in the caves.

Where did the early Filipinos live?

caves and on top the trees

Why did early man started living in caves?

Early man likely started living in caves for several reasons. Caves provided natural shelter and protection from the elements and predators. They also provided a constant temperature, which could have been beneficial for survival in different seasons. Additionally, caves may have offered early humans a sense of security and privacy.

Why did early man paint in caves?

Early man painted in caves as a way to communicate their stories, beliefs, and daily experiences. The cave paintings served as a form of expression, record-keeping, and possibly as a way to connect with the spiritual world. Additionally, the dark environments of caves may have provided a suitable canvas for painting.