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Q: What the different between American English and British English?
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Is there a difference between the expressions different than different from and different to?

The main difference between different than, different from and different to are the countries of origin and where it is used. Different than is common in American English, different to is more common in British English. The term different from is common in both American and British English.

Is park American or British English?

"Park" is used in both American and British English, so it is considered a shared term between the two dialects.

What is the difference between spanner and wrench?

spanner - british english ; wrench- american english

What is the difference between Canadian English and British English?

The main differences between Canadian English and British English are in spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation. While Canadian English follows more closely to American English in terms of spelling and vocabulary, there are still some British English influences present. Pronunciation in Canadian English also tends to be more similar to American English than British English.

What is the differences between American drama and british drama?

American drama uses english language while british drama uses british language and they also differ because they came from different countries. They are similar because they are both drama.

What is the difference between British English vs American English?

they call it diaper instead of nappie

What is the difference between curb and kerb?

Kerb is British English while curb is American English

What is the difference between English and American money?

english and american currency are both different english money is the pound (£) and american money is dollars ($)

Why is it important to know about and be able to switch between different types of English language varieties?

I speak New Zealand English but I think it is notimportant and no advantage for me to be able to speak British English or American English or Australian English.Differences in usage are not that big that I can't understand an Australian or an American.

Difference between the American and british law?

Different States in America have Different Laws.

What is the difference between Americans and English?

english and american currency are both different english money is the pound (£) and american money is dollars ($)

Is there such a language as American or is it a different version of English?

American English is just a dialect of British English. The spelling of certain words was changed at the instigation of Noah Webster (eg colour became color, centre became center) Certain words are different, especially for parts of a car (or automobile) eg hood in American English equates to bonnet in British English. There are a few grammatical variations eg Americans say I dowhen they mean I have. Overall the differences in spelling, grammar and pronunciation are less than the differences between the British and Scottish dialects.