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The druids harvested mistletoe with a golden knife or sickle, according to Pliny.

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Q: What the druids use to cut mistletoe?
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What did druids use at Christmas in Britain?

The Druids and other like pagan paths don't celebrate Christmas.. They celebrate the festival of Yule which happens at the time of the Winter Solstice.

What are some symbols the druids used?

Mistletoe is one of them.

Who regarded mistletoe as sacred?

Norse, the Celtic Druids and the North American Indians

What did druid use to cut mistletoe?

A golden sickle.

How did the druid use mistletoe?

The Druids considered mistletoe a holy plant that protected from evil and had great medicinal value. Mistletoe didn't begin quite so well in Norse mythology: the arrow that killed Baldur, beloved of the gods, was carved from mistletoe. The Norse gods then judged that henceforth mistletoe would be under the command of the goddess of love, in order to negate its use for hate--that's one explanation of why those who stand under the mistletoe are expected to kiss. they go kiss kiss under the mistletoe. But that is a lie. They never did

What was the name of the ancient priests that first used mistletoe?

Druids, this was the dominant religion in "Britannia" (Britain) at the time of the Roman invasion (60AD)

Where did Kissing under the mistletoe come from?

The first comes from the Druids living in Britain around 100 A.D. These Druids thought that Mistletoe could perform miracles. They thought that Mistletoe could help cure diseases and protect people from witches. They even thought it could help people and animals have more babies. So the Druids had a special ceremony that would happen in late December or early January. Priests would cut mistletoe out of oak trees and then give the mistletoe to people to hang in their houses so that it would ward off evil spirits. This probably explains why mistletoe became connected to Christmas -- the time of year is exactly the same. And it explains why people started bringing mistletoe into their houses. But what about kissing? The whole kissing thing might come from a Viking legend. Around 800 A.D., the Vikings had a mistletoe story they liked to tell. Vikings had a lot of gods (like the Greeks did) and many of their stories involved these gods. One of their gods -- Balder -- was killed with a poison made from mistletoe. His mother -- Frigga -- was able to bring him back to life after three days by reversing the effects of the poison. Once she did that, she kissed everyone who walked under mistletoe because she was so happy to get her son back. These days, you buy mistletoe in little plastic bags around Christmas time. You hang it in a doorway in your home. If you see someone standing under the mistletoe, you are supposed to kiss him or her. If you want to be proper, the man is supposed to pick one of the berries off the mistletoe after the kiss. It's a fun Christmas tradition!

Did druids use tarot cards?

No. While modern druids may use tarot cards as a form of divination, the original druids did not have or use tarot cards, though they did have other forms of divination.

What do you do if you are standing under a mistleto in England?

MISTLETOE, considered sacred by the British Druids, was believed to have many miraculous powers. Among the Romans, it was symbol of peace, and, it was said that when enemies met under it, they discarded their arms and declared a truce. From this comes our custom of kissing under the mistletoe. England was the first country to use it during the Christmas season.

What does mistletoe represent?

A parasitic evergreen plant of Europe (Viscum album), bearing a glutinous fruit. When found upon the oak, where it is rare, it was an object of superstitious regard among the Druids. A bird lime is prepared from its fruit.

Why do birds like the mistletoe?

They use the mistletoe for food, mainly its seeds.

How do you use mistletoe and because in a sentence?

He kissed her because she was under the mistletoe.