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Q: What the lowest amount of electrical current that can be fatal?
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Where in the US is there the least car accidents?

According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration, in 2008 the District of Columbia had the lowest amount of reported FATAL accidents (34). Alaska had 62 reported fatal car accidents and Rhode Island had 65 reported fatal car accidents. 2007 Data shows the Rate of Fatal Accidents per 100,000 registered vehicles was lowest in MA (7.57) and then RI (8.33)

What is an electric shock?

An electrical shock may cause burns, or it may leave no visible mark on the skin. In either case, an electrical current passing through the body can cause internal damage, cardiac arrest or other injury. Under certain circumstances, even a small amount of electricity can be fatal.

Who had the lowest rate for drivers in alcohol related fatal crashes?

Truck drivers

How many milliamps can result in death?

Approximately 100 milliamps of current passing through the human body can be fatal, with the exact value depending on individual factors. Current levels above this threshold can disrupt the heart's electrical system and lead to cardiac arrest. It is important to always be cautious around electrical sources to prevent accidents and potential harm.

What happens when you take a fatal amount of vicodin?

you die

Can a car involved in a fatal accident be repaired?

It depends on the amount of damage to the car. "Fatal accident" normally means someone was killed, and has nothing to do directly with the amount of damage to the vehicle.

Is eating Mercury fatal?

Yes, but only if it is in a large amount and you leave it in your body. If you eat a large amount you need to get it all taken out right away, or the consequence will probably be fatal.

Are fatal car accident reports current to date or reported annually?

The reports are always current to date, as most are filled out on the day of the accident. The statistics of fatal car accidents are usually based on yearly totals.

What amount of change of blood can be fatal?

If an adult loses 40% or more of their total blood level, if not treated as soon as possible it will be fatal.

How much Effexor is fatal?

As much as it takes to kill you. That amount will always be fatal.

How do you do wiring in a home?

* ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND REPAIR MUST BE DONE BY QUALIFIED AND LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. Improper procedures can be injurious or fatal, and damage or destroy your property.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of electrical current?

Advantages of electric current : This is the energy source which can be easily converted into other energies like heat, mechanical, light etc very easily. Very convenient to use and environment friendly as no pollution is caused by its use at the consumer end. Disadvantage: It can sometime prove fatal and its transmission lines used to carry current looks ugly