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Q: What the new cells in telophase might contain if replication of chromosomes did not occur before cytokinesis?
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At the end of what phase and cytokinesis haploid cells contain chromosomes that each consist of two sister chromotids?

At the end of telophase I and cytokinesis, there are two haploid cells with chromosomes that consist of two sister chromatids each

What are the five phases of meiosis 1?

Meiosis.....................produces gametes or sexual cells, which contain half the chromosomesbecause the sexual union of male and female will contribute the otherhalf.

When does a human cell normally contain 92 chromosomes?

Human cells NEVER normally contain 92 chromosomes. A diploid human cell prior to replicating its DNA has 23 pairs of non-replicated chromosomes (46 total). A diploid human cell after replicating its DNA has 23 pairs of replicated chromosomes (46 total). The difference is that each replicated chromosome consists of two DNA molecules called 'sister chromatids'. Non-replicated chromosomes consist of only one DNA molecule (it is not called a chromatid because chromatids are like twins--if you only have one you don't say there is one twin. Thus, you can say that a human cell following DNA replication has 92 chromatids, but never 92 chromosomes. ---------------edit-------------- Actually, there is a certain period in Mitosis of the cell cycle where you will temporarily have 92 chromosomes - during Anaphase and Telophase ( Mitosis consists of 4 phases occurring in the following order: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase). As explained above, 46 sister chromatids are produced after DNA replication (which occurs in synthesis phase of the cell cycle). During Anaphase, the 46 sister chromatids separate, resulting in 92 chromosomes, or 2 sets of 46 chromosomes. Each set then travels to opposite ends of the cell. Next, during Telophase, the cell then elongates and the nuclear envelope forms around each set to form two nuclei. Then next in Cytokinesis, the cell actually slits into two cells, each with one nucleus holding 46 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 34 original chromosomes?

34 Mitosis followed by cytokinesis produces genetically identical daughter cells.

How many chromosomes are present in a cytokinesis cell?

The number of chromosomes from one generation to the next is maintained by splitting a binuciate cell in to two daughter cells. Therefore, a cell in this process would contain double the number of orriginal.

When one cell divides to become two?

When its good and ready. A cell has to pass through the 3 phases of interphase; G1, S and G2. Then it has to pass through the 4 phases of mitosis; prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Then it has to undergo cytokinesis. Then the cell has divided.

What is defference between telophase of meosis and telophase of mitosis cell division?

telophase of mitosis contain 1 new diploid cell at the end while telophase of meiosis contain 4 new haploid cells at the period of division.

Does DNA contain 23 chromosomes?

No. DNA doesn't contain chromosomes. Chromosomes are DNA.

What does The chromosomes in your body each contain?

Your chromosomes contain your genetic material.

What are the major events that take place during Meiosis you and Meiosis II?

After the 1st meiotic division there are 2 diploid cells. During Meiosis II, these cells are divided (the same steps as the first Division) - and produce 4 daughter cells. These cells (gametes) have half the number of chromosomes of the original cell and so are called hapliod. Phases: 1) Prophase II - cells contain one of each homologous chromosome - but each are in their replicated form (i.e. 2 chromatids attached together) 2) Metaphase II - Chromosomes align in the middle of the cell 3) Anaphase II - Chromatids separate 4) Telophase II - 4 haploid cells formed

All cells in the human body start with how many chromosomes?

In terms of chromosomal number, there are two types of cells in the human body.Autosomes, or body cells, have 46 chromosomes (the diploid number)Allosomes, or sex chromosomes, have 23 chromosomes (the haploid number)

What is the first phase in meiosis?

Meiosis 1: Prophase 1, Metaphase1, Anaphase 1, Telophase 1. Meiosis 2: Prophase 1, Metaphase 2, Anaphase 2, Telophase 2. Makes 4 daughter cells that contain 4 chromosomes each.