

What the number of Islam in the world?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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between 1 billion and 1,8 billion

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Q: What the number of Islam in the world?
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Does islam have the second largest number of followers in the world?

Yes, Islam religion followers are the second largest number of followers after Christianity.

Second big religion in the world?

The world's second largest religion is Islam. Followers of Islam make up 22.74 percent of the world population. The world's largest religion is Christianity.

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The Islam religion is the second world religion per number of followers.

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Both Islam and Christianity with marginal difference in number

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20% of the world is Islam

Is Islam a popular religon?

Praise be to Allah! Islam has 1.5 Billion followers. It is the fastest growing religion in the world. More people convert to Islam than to any other religion. The number of practicing Muslims is the highest in the world, christainity comes second.

Is Islam a majority in the world?

Islam is the second largest religion in the world.

Islam or Christian which is more in world?

A larger number of people profess to being Christian but Islam is the fastest growing religion (I think Christianity is declining in absolute numbers).

What is the fastest growning religion in the world?

It depends entirely on how the question is read. If the question is asking what is the largest religion that is still growing, the answer would be Christianity since there are more and more Christians born and converted every day than convert out or die. If the question is asking what religion is growing by the largest numbers of new followers (both births and converts), then the answer would be Islam, since the population growth in Muslim-majority countries has made Islam the religion with the most new adherents daily. If the question is asking what religion has the greatest percentage of growth, then this would be a contest between a number of very small religions which have high percentage increases, but low current population counts, such as Baha'i or Jehovah's Witnesses. Although these cannot match the numerical growth of Christianity or Islam, the thousands of converts and newborns have a much higher relative to the <20 million adherents to the religion.

What is the order of Islamic religion?

If you mean per the world number of followers, then Islam religion is the second to Christianity.