

What the respiration take place in the cell?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm. The Kreb's cycle and electron transport chain occur in the mitochondria.

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Where does cell respiration take place at?

In the mitochondria of cells.

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Where does respiration begin take place in the cell?

It takes place in the cytoplasm

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What two parts of the cell the cell respiration take place?

Cytoplasm and Mitocondria

Where in the cell does respiration take place?

Most of cellular respiration occurs within the mitochondria of the cell. Glycolysis occurs outside of the mitochondria, while the Krebs Cycle and ETC takes place inside the mitochondria.

Where does cellular respiration take place in an amimal?

In the mitochondria in a cell.

In what cell organelle does cellular respiration take place?

the mitochondria

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Does cellular respiration take place in the lungs?

No, cell respiration takes place on a cellular scale - within all cells.